Tang mixes? No aggression...


Can i keep one/two purple firefish goby with this set-up.....100 gallon long
Yellow tang
Blue tang
2 Perc Clownfish
3 blue reef chromis


Active Member
Originally Posted by mario2377505
thats kool because they can think what ever they want. Thats why I have my own saltwater tank and thats why they have there own saltwater tanks. So I can do what ever I want with mine and they can do whatever they want with there tanks since people are not paying for the things I add to my tank.
Peace out......

Yes, you can do whatever you want with your tank but the poor fish don't have any rights and are being abused. I guess some people only care about selfishly pleasing themselves without giving a dam about the lives of the fish they keep captive. How would you like it if someone kept you captive in a tiny glass cage the size of your bathroom the rest of your life?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSBdude
Can i keep one/two purple firefish goby with this set-up.....100 gallon long
Yellow tang
Blue tang
2 Perc Clownfish
3 blue reef chromis
Yup, firefish are very peaceful (and very low bioload) and would go well with what you have.


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
I have a yellow and I hoping to put a Kole in QT this week they make a nice alage cleaning crew IMO
Dont buy the hype...Tangs will not eat algae in a tank..j/k Well mine wont..I have lazy tangs..If its not on a clip or being dropped in the top they dont eat...At 1st they did..I guess they are spoiled now..

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Dont buy the hype...Tangs will not eat algae in a tank..j/k Well mine wont..I have lazy tangs..If its not on a clip or being dropped in the top they dont eat...At 1st they did..I guess they are spoiled now..

Well once you give them the agriculture you grow in your back room under those high tec grow lights what do you expect that’s just wrong no that’s CRAZY

go with the yellow and kole


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Well once you give them the agriculture you grow in your back room under those high tec grow lights what do you expect that’s just wrong no that’s CRAZY

go with the yellow and kole
Who told you about that...Hell you would think they would eat more..


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSBdude
What size of sand do i need since gobys are sand sifters
Only certain gobies are sand sifters, and firefish aren't (they're technically dartfish, though I don't know what relation that is to gobies, since most people call them gobies). They do jump, though, so I'd recommend using egg crate on top of your tank to keep them from jumping out, but egg crate also allows for better gas exchange than glass lids.


Active Member

Originally Posted by m0nk
Only certain gobies are sand sifters, and firefish aren't (they're technically dartfish, though I don't know what relation that is to gobies, since most people call them gobies). They do jump, though, so I'd recommend using egg crate on top of your tank to keep them from jumping out, but egg crate also allows for better gas exchange than glass lids.

I was about to make the same comment on jumping...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lesleybird
Yes, you can do whatever you want with your tank but the poor fish don't have any rights and are being abused. I guess some people only care about selfishly pleasing themselves without giving a dam about the lives of the fish they keep captive. How would you like it if someone kept you captive in a tiny glass cage the size of your bathroom the rest of your life?
What a useless and insulting post, but I wouldn't expect anything else from you


Originally Posted by m0nk
Only certain gobies are sand sifters, and firefish aren't (they're technically dartfish, though I don't know what relation that is to gobies, since most people call them gobies). They do jump, though, so I'd recommend using egg crate on top of your tank to keep them from jumping out, but egg crate also allows for better gas exchange than glass lids.
Ok..thank you..I have a another question below about equipment
I'm going to have to have three individual lights for my set-up. Since i have a cabinet as my canopy(my tank is going to sit in between two cabinets..high and low) with three dividers in it, I'll have one small T-5 light fixture per section. I am doing this because you aren't supposed to cut holes in cabinet divider and i don't wanna mess up my cabinet. Any suggestions on this light problem.


Originally Posted by Lesleybird
You have a Naso in a 125 gallon? What a shame. It is really cruel to keep a Naso in a 125 gallon when they need like a 300 gallon. The hippo tang mentioned in this thread needs at least a 200 gallon as do sailfins which would be better i a 300 gallon. Why do people get fish and cram them into tiny tanks? Would you like living in a one room house the size of your bathroom? That's what it is like for a tang in a small tank. Mean to the fish.
According to "A PocketExpert Guide-Marine Fishes", it states a Naso can be in a 135 gallon, I have a 125, it's only 10 gallons smaller, I don't see how I'm being mean to my fish...My fish get a varied and healthy diet, weekly water changes and plenty of seaweed to graze on, all are doing well...I think your statement is a little harsh. Just my opinion...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
IMP the 200 g min for tangs mentions is a little high. Of course the bigger the tank the better. But sometimes we forget to factor in what I think is very important and that is gallon allotment per fish. If I had a 50-gallon long tank and just two tangs in it IMO that’s plenty of room for them allotting 25g per fish of sea water and space to swim around in


Yeah...i agree with florida...I will soon have a 100 gallon long and i thought that would be plenty of room for a naso, another tang, and my other fish too.
I'll probably just stick to the yellow and the blue tang, for some reason, I llke them better than the naso.


New Member
>>How would you like it if someone kept you captive in a tiny glass cage the size of your bathroom the rest of your life?<<
Gee Lesley, it seems to me considering the size of the ocean that that's exactly what your tangs would say even in their 300 gallon tank

florida joe

Well-Known Member
An other thought most of us look at the literature pertaining to a certain fish we want to buy which is important. But it seems to me at least the measurement given for fish size is the max it will reach as an adult in perfect health and under perfect tank conditions. I have never seen a Yellow Tang 8in long, a Pacific Sailfin 16in,Purple Tang 10in my point being IMO we should look at a realistic size we can expect under the conditions we will be keeping the fish and then make our decision


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
An other thought most of us look at the literature pertaining to a certain fish we want to buy which is important. But it seems to me at least the measurement given for fish size is the max it will reach as an adult in perfect health and under perfect tank conditions. I have never seen a Yellow Tang 8in long, a Pacific Sailfin 16in,Purple Tang 10in my point being IMO we should look at a realistic size we can expect under the conditions we will be keeping the fish and then make our decision
Well, I consider the sizing noted on most sites to be accurate. As I've said in a previous post, I've seen 18 inch Nasos, 12 inch Hippos, etc. The thread I posted before also has a posting from a member here that has a 10 inch yellow, which yes, is 2 inches bigger than most sites specify. Sure, in some circumstances they won't live long enough to get to that size, but therein lies the problem; if they don't reach that size in their lifetime then they weren't healthy and will likely have a drastically reduced lifespan. In fact, in home aquariums, fish should technically live longer than their wild counterparts because of the lack (or attempted lack) of disease/parasites/predators/etc. They're also usually healthier too because of the variety of foods we feed and the vitamins we supplement.