Tang Not Eating


New Member
My yellow tang has quit eating. He is very active still but just don't eat. His color is good but not as good as it was before he quit eating. Any suggestions


Active Member
What types of food are you trying? How are you trying(veggie clip etc.)? What other fish do you have? Are they competing?
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Active Member
was he eating for you before? if so what type of food were you feeding. if you have not tried it yet try emerald entrese its a frozen algae based food with mysis shrimp I thaw in a cup of water and 2 drops of garlic extreme at leat once a day veggie flake(omega one) in the am.check water parimeter make sure everything is in good levels ph nitrates sg ect.tangs are normally big eaters if hes not eating I would say something is wrong with either the fish itself or the water.ps if all checks out good and he still wont eat add 1 drop garlic extreme directly to your tank per each 10 gal of water the fish will absorbe the vit through its gills which may help entice its eating


Active Member
Can you recommend spiriluna flakes for yellow tangs? Ever tried seaweed selects(brown macro)?


Active Member
heres a list of what i feed my tangs and all herbavores and omnivores(they like there veggies too) feeding schedule
am feeding veggie flakes(omega one) they also have kelp flakes make sure you getting an herbavore flake(algae eaters)
mid day feeding
thera+A non medicated antiparestic formula pellets(small)< also improves color of fish>
pm feeding emerald entrese frozen aglae based with mysis shrimp
formula 2 frozen cubes I thaw these foods in a small cup of water with 2 drops garlic extreme and crumble the cubes for easier consumption.
I have not had a fish yet that refused this food(emerald entrese) even my lionfish will gulp a cube if i dont break it up.
as a snack i use seaweed select i buy all 3 types red green and brown


Active Member
Thanks for the info. It is good to give them different foods. I'm gonna have to go shopping.


Active Member
ill warn you in advance the thera+a by spectrum is not a cheep pellet i paid about 15 bucks for one container i do buy the larger sized container. to show the color inprove ment from it though I had a niger trigger before my lion stung it at least notice his coloring hes not blue grey like you would normally see in theis fish hes accually purple shades of blue with bright highlights and the coloration of my lunear wrasse


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
Thanks for the info. It is good to give them different foods. I'm gonna have to go shopping.
ps dont bother with brine it has very little to no nutritional value to sw fish its used as a filler


New Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
What types of food are you trying? How are you trying(veggie clip etc.)? What other fish do you have? Are they competing?
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He's been eating seaweed, frozen brine shrimp, frozen krill with out any problem. He's just stopped eating all of them.


Active Member
looking at his menue this would be very common effect hes getting more meaty foods than vegitation in his diet.lacking the essenial vit he requires.as stated before brine has little to no nutritional value to any sw fish your fish was getting filled by it but not getting anything out of it as far as nutrients. krill has some value but not as a whole. dried seaweed also has some but not all of what it needs either.you fish isnt ill from desease yet its sounding more like malnutrition.flaked and frozen preperation made for these fish have added needed vit nessesary to keep fish healthy.at this time you need to move fast if you want this fish to have a chance of survival.try some of the foods I had suggested .also purchase som vit supplimnts for your fish you add right to your tank water so the fish absorb it if hes not eating it.also same goes for the garlic extreme.selcon can also be added for essencial benafitting vit and minerals. if you have any other hearbavores in your tank they will soon come to same results as your tang if you dont make some dietary changes. proper diet is the true key to healthy fish.good luck.if you need anymore help feel free to ask me anything I dont know everything but what I do know im more than happy to share.