tang police help!


I've had my Hippo tang since she was the size of a quarter. About 2 years. She's been in my 46 reef and really loves it. I've tried on 3 occasions to move her to the big tank but she hates it. 3 times she has almost died. She hides in the rocks, won't eat then breaks out in ich. So, I end up taking half the tank apart and retrieving her back to the reef tank where she imediatly gets better with no meds. She is about 3"'s now. What should I do? Leave her till she get's about 4"'s and try again?


Active Member
i would say, if shes happy, leave her in there until she gets biigger, or you could leave her in there permanently


sorry that this is off the subject but is that a black perc and if so how is it with ur other fish? im trying to decide between the black and the traditional orange


Active Member
The blacks and oranges are similar in their dispostion to other fish. Just don't have one of each in the same tank or they will fight. Get whichever you like the best.