Tang Police


Active Member
Number of reasons, but mostly costs. When you 'hyper-stock' (can I coin the term?) there's so many fish, mostly through mass confusion, it's impossible to set-up a territory and this prevents fights. The tangs, or any fish for that matter, are stressed, but it would be ridiculous to keep 30 30gal tanks at a fish store for each tang. They're obviously not permenant tanks so the 6 foot rules or whatever don't apply.


hahaha, Very funny badges, Those should be posted on the front doors of all LFS's.


Active Member
I still think the only sane answer to the "Tang" discussion is to only allow them in round tanks. Then, size wouldn't matter; because tangs could swim endlessly in circles. The owner could even decide which direction he wanted them swimming by clipping off a pectoral fin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
would it be ok to be ok to put a tang in a 20g round tank????
Sure! 20 gal, 150 gal, 10 gal ; what's the difference ,as long as they can swim non-stop for ever ? Isn't that what its all about! (Better add "just kidding"; there are folks who might take this thread seriously)