Tang Police


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Sure! 20 gal, 150 gal, 10 gal ; what's the difference ,as long as they can swim non-stop for ever ? Isn't that what its all about! (Better add "just kidding"; there are folks who might take this thread seriously)
Someone around here has a sailfin tang in a 29 gallon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Well, that's ok; because if they're like the team on your avitar; they won't last long anyway!

ouch, out of fairness, you should put won't last long in the playoffs.
As for the lfs they have such a high turnover in fish, those tangs are generally only there for a few weeks tops. Kind of like a hotel is smaller than your house. hopefully.


Pectoral fin is on the bottom ? dorsal fin is on the top ? I have 2 yellow tangs in my 80 gal. they fight like madmen..I wish I could get one outa there but I just can not seem to trick them they are too smart..one of them seems to be winning sadly he nipped or ate some of the bottom fin
the damaged tang hides very well in a cave deep.. the aggresive tang just dashes with lightning speed into the cave and nips at him It's very sad..I wish I could get the damaged tang out and into my new 125 Gal. without destryoing my LR and coral setup. I tried everything at this point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
ouch, out of fairness, you should put won't last long in the playoffs.
As for the lfs they have such a high turnover in fish, those tangs are generally only there for a few weeks tops. Kind of like a hotel is smaller than your house. hopefully.
Sorry, I grew up in N. Wisconsin and am still mad the Braves left Milwaukee, that shows my age!
I agree with the comment on fish in LFS, that is short-term and should never be used as a guide for our home tanks.
TSH2000: Pectoral fins are on the sides, pelvic fins underneath.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Sorry, I grew up in N. Wisconsin and am still mad the Braves left Milwaukee, that shows my age!
Hey at least you didn't say, I'm still mad they left boston...
btw did you ever see hank play?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Hey at least you didn't say, I'm still mad they left boston...
btw did you ever see hank play?
Many times, we went to 2-3 games a year; it was a 280 mile drive and I was a kid baseball junkie. I got a ball Hank hit (in batting practice) in the 1957 World Series, I was 9 years old and literally wet my pants. While living on the Ms coast, Hank lived in nearby Mobile and I was coaching my kids Little League team; Hank stopped by and gave all the kids autographed baseballs---one of Team's Moms got him to do it. But, Katrina got the ball...oh well. I guess this isn't a serious thread; but I'll still say something about tangs---Red Sea purple tangs are one of the reef's most magnificent creatures, IMO. So much for business....