Tang question. I am so MAD!


What I use is Garlic Guard by Seachem. I put a cap full in everyday. It makes my fish eat like crazy. It is Natural way to kill ick also and will not hurt anything. It works just like it does with a human taking Garlic

to keep bugs off of him. The little bugs don't like the tast (or that is the idel) and they just don't get on any of your fish. It works. I'm telling you it does. When I started to use it even my corals liked it. They have more color now. It is crazy. They even started growing faster. My Green star polyps started growing 1/8 a inch a month in one direction now. I have had over 90 diffrent kinds of corals and only have had one die from the start and that was because my flower pot stung it to death. Right now I have over 50 diffrent kinds of corals. Most of the ones I have now are harder to get ahold of. That is the ones I like to grow and Frag out. So if I was you I would try it.
As far as the clown fish to cycle with, It is in the Damsel fam. they are very hardy. The reason I would not use them to cycle with is they might die and the range in price at my LFS from $14.99 to freaken $27.00 which is WAY to much. It cost more if you do lose them. I would not take the flamming from these guys to heart. I'm sure they do somethings we all would thing was stupid. But, hey what ever works for you go for it man. Some of the richest people was at one time (in most cases) was thought to be crazy, or stupid or something. Hehe I hear that alot. But, when I'm rich from one of my hairbrain ideals and helping hundreds or thousands of people ( I HOPE) I will be the one with the smile on my face.


Originally Posted by Eaglephot
Oh and the Tang is doing great. I cannot see any visual "specks" (parasites) on his body and he is eating and in great condition.
Back to one of my original questions.... :thinking: what can I do to rid my tank of parasites without adding anything that will harm coral and invert (NO!! I am not cycling my tank with coral! Are we clear on that?
) I guess a better question would be what EATS parasites besides cleaner shrimp?
By the way, I am not ignoring everything everyone said. I appreciate the advice.
I try not to be one that over looks the ? and just atacts someone on here i did not serch out your bio and saw nothing here about cycle but I love kick ich it is reef safe I allways have some on hand Garlic did nothing but stink up my house. Good luck


Active Member

Originally Posted by Eaglephot
So I noticed that my tang was shaking and scratching on my live rock. I took a close look at him and saw a few white specks on his body. ---i dont get it the last post you said he was fine.
im glad he got better so quick... :thinking:
Is there ANY easy way to get a Tang (or any fish) out of a tank with live rock in it? --yes fish trap or clear container...feed at the same place during feeding and catching become easy

I have a new 55 gallon FOWLR tank that I am going to turn into a reef tank. I have a Yellow Tang and Black Clown cycling it. Can anyone help?--i'm leaving this alone as i cant even afford to buy one for an established tank and people use them as test dummies

I hope all goes well with your tank. keep a good eye on the fish and water perameters

a u.v.sterilizer might help with waterborne parasites.
doesnt do much for ich but


Thank you all for your input. I am going to try kick ick or ick attack and garlic. I hope it works! As for the Tang, it is back. I am sure now that it is white spot. He should be fine in a week or two or less.
Thanks again!


Originally Posted by Eaglephot
Thomas, you seem to know a TON about the saltwater world. Have you heard that people use them to cycle?
I'm sure people have done any number of things to cycle a tank, including taking a dump in it themselves. If someone could put an elephant in a 10 gallon tank to cycle it I'm sure sooner or later someone would do it.
No not common or even intelligent (IMO) to stick advanced fish like Tangs in for the pourpose of cycling.
My only say in this is that it is your tank, you are the expert on your tank, therefore it is your choice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
I'm sure people have done any number of things to cycle a tank, including taking a dump in it themselves.



Originally Posted by Thomas712
I'm sure people have done any number of things to cycle a tank, including taking a dump in it themselves.

That is the funniest thing I have EVER heard!!!! Do you know of anyone who has?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eaglephot
That is the funniest thing I have EVER heard!!!! Do you know of anyone who has?

I'm hoping if someone has actually done that they wouldn't admit it... :hilarious


Some of you are just so darn rude. I thought we where here to help and learn from one another. So he is new and did not know beter so what! once someone has spoken up that was enough we don't need to keep going on about it. He or she now has a problem the problem will not go away by telling them how stupid they where or wernt. Let us be more helpfull in the future I am sure we have all made mistakes in this hoby or we would not be on here or even need this site. quite being democrats and lets help solve a problem ensteed of making more problems.


Yea don't quite this board people mean well just don't always have good bed side manners there are some real smart people on here that can give lots of great help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oreo12
Yea don't quite this board people mean well just don't always have good bed side manners there are some real smart people on here that can give lots of great help.



Active Member
IMO, take the fish out, put them in Qt and treat properly with hyposalinity for 5 weeks or so (read in disease forum). During this time, leave the tank free of any fish, and the parasite will die off.
All new fish would need to go through a full period of QT, or you will simply reintroduce the parasite with them.
That is the way to remove the parasite from a reef tank.
Everything else is both risky and temporary, IMO.
Regardless of the water parameters, the tang is clearly stressed enough to show signs of ick. There are loads of parameters we can not or do not test for that can be issues, which is why tangs are better left to more established tanks.
I think the advice about your LFS is sound - if indeed they suggested this, knowingly, for a new tank....I would strongly consider finding a new store. They are in it for your money, first and foremost, and consider you either a short term customer (until you realize the quality of their advice) or, sorry to say, a sucker. An unfortunate number of stores do take advantage of people this way. :( Always ask - do they have a good warranty? Will the test water? Do they ASK to test your water? Do they keep records of your water? Do they willingly feed fish for you? Lots of indications of a good LFS over a bad one.


Originally Posted by oreo12
Some of you are just so darn rude. I thought we where here to help and learn from one another. So he is new and did not know beter so what! once someone has spoken up that was enough we don't need to keep going on about it. He or she now has a problem the problem will not go away by telling them how stupid they where or wernt. Let us be more helpfull in the future I am sure we have all made mistakes in this hoby or we would not be on here or even need this site. quite being democrats and lets help solve a problem ensteed of making more problems.

Just want to point out that he said himself he's cycled a 46 and a 125, so he's not NEW, or at least he claims he is not.
Some people just get mad because it is retarded to use tangs, let alone any fish to cycle their tank. They do this when unethical LFS tell them to, so they can make a buck.
So, while it is inappropriate to jump on the guy immediately, it is also somewhat justified.
It's not your fault if you're misguided by a crappy fish store, but regardless of what they say, if you're going to begin this hobby, where living things' lives' depend on you doing it properly, you must have the responsibility of doing some research for yourself.
Too many people have the mindset that these are just fish, and if they die while they're cycling the tank so what. It's just wrong. The rude comments are made by those who understand that it's wrong.


Originally Posted by alyssia
I'm hoping if someone has actually done that they wouldn't admit it... :hilarious

I would admit it if I did it. I haven't but now that you mention it I just might try...... gives me a reason to start a new tank.


Originally Posted by Whitey
Just want to point out that he said himself he's cycled a 46 and a 125, so he's not NEW, or at least he claims he is not.
They do this when unethical LFS tell them to, so they can make a buck.
It's not your fault if you're misguided by a crappy fish store, but regardless of what they say, if you're going to begin this hobby, where living things' lives' depend on you doing it properly, you must have the responsibility of doing some research for yourself.

I want to say it again. I HAVE experience with cycling with a yellow tang.
When Oreo said I was new, I think he/she meant that I was new to the boards. I am not new to this hobby. I have been doing it since I was 14 (which I think is a little young at lease for me).
Now, the fish store that I purchased THIS Tang from, did not tell me to use it to cycle my tank. I don't even think that they knew. I did not purchase the Tang JUST for the cycle. I plan to have this Tang for many years to come. (Like my other Tang which lived until I sold my 125).
The point of this thread was to find out a few things. I have found out those things. Thank you all for your input. I DO appreciate it. I do not think this thread as a waste. Many people will learn from this.
NOW, for all of the people who don't think you should use fish to cycle your tank (which I am starting to become on your side now that I think about it. Even Damsels), please note that I have added a shrimp to my tank and removed the Tang and Clown. They are in a QT getting healed (even though the clown had no sign of being sick). Thank you again for the input in this thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Firedog
I would admit it if I did it. I haven't but now that you mention it I just might try...... gives me a reason to start a new tank.
