Tang question

dark angel

Want all tangs can you mix ? I see pics of tanks that have yellow tangs and blue hippo tangs, or yellow with nasco tangs.
I really wanted to get a blue hippo tank in a few months when our tank was at the 6 month mark. But last night we found a Purple Tang for $15 instead of $80 and i just couldn't pass that up.
So im wondering, next year when we upgrade to a 100 gal tank (55 gal currently) what kind of tang could we add with this one if any?? Thanks :)


Active Member

Originally posted by Dark Angel
Want all tangs can you mix ? I see pics of tanks that have yellow tangs and blue hippo tangs, or yellow with nasco tangs.
I really wanted to get a blue hippo tank in a few months when our tank was at the 6 month mark. But last night we found a Purple Tang for $15 instead of $80 and i just couldn't pass that up.
So im wondering, next year when we upgrade to a 100 gal tank (55 gal currently) what kind of tang could we add with this one if any?? Thanks :)

Most problems with tangs are when you introduce the same species.. ie two blue tangs.. Having 2 or 3 differnent types of tangs is usually fine.. Though I wont say a blue and yellow tang wont fight.
As far as tank size. I think if you really want a nice tang or angel tank you need to provide them with a lot of room to swim and still be able to put lots of LR for places they can hide. Tangs are very sensitive fish and if stressed out will fall victom to disease very easily.
I recommend (and this is just my opinion) 120 or more gallon tank. (though I have seen tangs imprisoned and sentensed to die in 20g tanks)


Active Member
Here are my three in a 120g tank and im about ready to move them into the 240 when its finished cycling as I feel they need even more room than they have now.

dark angel

wow, i would never dream of putting a tang in a 20 gal. lol, Ours is a 55 gal, and we have a good stock of LR, wanted to add more before we got ANY tang, but for the price i just couldn't pass it up. Right now, theres just 2 perc clowns and the purple tang.
Were gunna be upgrading to a 100 gal tank so soon as we can afford it. And i really only wanted a few fish in there, was planning on the 2 clowns a flame angel and a tang. I know the angel should come before the tang, but like i said for that price i just couldnt pass it up. lol
Guess i wont be adding the angel tell we get the new tank, so that the angel can go in before the tang. :( Thanks for the heads up though :D


Active Member
Fish only fight other fish of their speices that look like each other. They are usually territorial, but even more territorial when they are the same color AND size AND species. You can put a Purple/ Yellow/ Blue ang together and be fine. Although the purple and the yellow look alike, they are differnet colors. Tangs willl be territorial, slap tails and such, but that is natural wen introducing new fish. Dont worry about the angel. Grab a Flame Angel, it will be red and there arent too many red tangs out there, lol. I have a 55, and my tang and rock beauty are thriving. Are you the guy that got the Purple on the blow out when the new shipment got in? I think i read your thread. K, have a good one.



Originally posted by Chandler04
Fish only fight other fish of their speices that look like each other.

There are many other reasons that fish will fight. Some tangs can be very aggressive (sohals, blue hippos, yellow tangs) I have had some experiences with VERY aggressive tangs before. My blue hippo used to pick on my Porcupine Puffer, of all fish. His poor tail was down to a stump.
Originally posted by Chandler04

Tangs willl be territorial, slap tails and such, but that is natural wen introducing new fish.

And it could continue.
Remember too, that tangs have spines on their tails that they protrude when "slapping tails" in order to harm the other fish.
I have seen some NASTY cuts from tangs.


Active Member
Purple tang tend to be more aggressive tha most of the other species. In a 55, that purple will get extremely territorial, and will likely kill anything else that you add.
As far as mixing tangs. It's not as simple as different shapes and sizes. There are several factors such as the individual personality of the fish, the size of the tank, etc. I had 3 tangs in a 240 for almost 2 yrs before 1 decided that he wanted to be the only tang in the tank, and killed the other 2.