Tang question


If you must add another tang the general rule is that if it does not share the same body type/shape they will not normally have any problems. Otherwise they need to be introduced to the tank at the same time and have ample room to swim.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist,The Hippo Tang will co-exist with the yellow tang .However , there are other tangs as well that should do fine. So long as they're not the same body shape . If your aquarium is large enough , you can even get away with putting three or four tangs within the same aquarium . In my 150 ,I have a yellow tang ,a hippo tang ,a clown tang , and a blonde naso tang . And they do fine together. Tangs need plenty of swimming room ,can be territorial , very aggressive , voracious eaters of seaweed ,and prone to ick . Best of luck !


Active Member
Originally Posted by Greg803
I would put a sohal tang in there
A 125 is far too small for a Sohal IMO, I would say minimum 240, this is the most active and aggressive Tang there is, he would feel cramped and eventually kill the Yellow Tang....Just my opinion.
Convict Tang might be a good choice.


Active Member
Kole or any bristletooth species should be enough different to not have much fighting and also stay smaller.