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i just want a tang but not the sailfin tang...umm its gonna be my centerpiece.... whats the smallest besides the sailfin or what do you reccomend if i dont watn to do the sailfin...and if theres not other tang what a good centerpiece for a 55 atm?
I honestly don't recommend putting a tang in a 55g; there are just too many complications that could end in tragedy, however it is your decision. It's awfully small for such active fish, so it stresses the fish out in one way or another. Some people will say that a yellow or kole tang will work in that size, but yellow tangs get rather aggressive in small tanks, and kole tangs need lots of grazing room; they'll feed off the algae accumulating on your live rock all day. The tang/tank size debate gets heated, and you'll get varying opinions, but again it's up to you to decide what you're going to do. Just know that there could be issues with putting a tang in that size tank. HLLE is one possibility, because of the stress, as well as the fact that many tangs get too big as adults to comfortably live in something so small. The Naso is a good example, getting to 18". This is basically the height of the average 55g tank. So the fish would be as long as the tank is high. Another good example is the hippo tang, which gets to be 12" (and yes, I've seen these at this size as well). It wouldn't be able to turn in a 55g very well, plus it will be 1/4 of the length of the tank. Also, if any fish is healthy, their growth will not be stunted, so if you have a fish that doesn't grow then there is something wrong.
I hope this helps, and just remember the implications if you do choose to go forward, but I hope that will help you with your upgrade plans too.