Tang Recommendation


Of all the tangs out there which one do you all recommend.I was interested in the Blue hippo or the Naso.Any suggestions or thoughts? :cool:
I have heard the the blue hippos are difficult but I have never had one before. I have had great success with yellow tangs. If you are just choosing between theose two....I would take the naso tang...as long as your tank is big enough


*If* your tank is 75 gal, or larger (larger preferred) I'd have a Purple Tang. Mine just moved to a larger tank. I like the Purple and the Yellow.


My tank is a 55.I should have stated that.That was my concern was hardiness.I sure don't want something i can't keep happy. :D


Active Member
for a 55 gallon, personally, i would say none, but if you have to have one, look at the koles tangs, they are smaller and more friendly than most, and are not the hardest to keep


The naso and hippo are the least aggresive of all the tangs and for your tank size I would go with the hippo unless you find a really small naso. Sorry I also have to preach Quarantine! Additionally I would keep him in a holding container (rubbermaid will do) with cycled bio-filtration (such as sponge or some other medium that you know is cycled such as bio-balls) for 3 weeks. While he is there he will be able to eat well and show that he is healthy. If he is not healthy he will not infect your tank and you will be able to treat him w/o the agony of messing up your tank and having to possibly remove him and the others for Q anyway. I know I am rattling on but take it from me... Q and patience are the two best routes to keeping beautiful healthy fish for a long time. Suggest you search this forum for Quarantine and read and learn all you can. Again on the filter if you want to use some of your already cycled media (bio-balls) from your display set up... just take any bucket and PVC fittings, drill the bucket put fittings in bottom, put the bucket above your container level so you can pipe the water back to the container (gravity feed) and use a pump to get the water from the Q container up to your home-made drip filter. If you want take a plastic drip pan made for plant pots and drill holes in it to make a drip tray in the bucket. I have done this with a 5 gallon Coralife salt bucket (lots of bio-balls!) and have kept many fish simultaneously in Q for months with no problems. It sounds like a lot to do but it is the RIGHT WAY to keep and stock saltwater fish. Take it from me a 20+ year veteran... I have taken all the shortcuts and made most of the mistakes... save yourself the heartache... Quarantine! One of the best reads on this site is the long Hyposalinity post by H2oski under Disease and Treatment. Read specifically the discussions by Trey and Terry B.
O.K. I'll get off the soap box now, Good Luck Joe.


By the way I forgot to mention a great product that eases the fears during Q. If you in any way think you may not have a cycled bio-filter to use during Q, I highly recommend using some "bacteria in a bottle". I have used the Tropical Science brand many times with seeming success. You can get it here:
<a href="http://www.**************.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=4003" target="_blank">http://www.**************.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=4003</a>
for what I consider a reasonable price considering the cost of your fish (investment).
Again just my .02, Joe.


Active Member
If you must put a tang in a 55 then go w/ yellow, purple or kole. They will all eventually have to be moved. Good luck.


Blue Hippos get parasites very easily. I would go with the naso. Beware they will get big pretty fast, so you will have to get a larger tank. 55 gallons are very narrow and naso's love to swim. Actually I would suggest a mimic tang unless your planning on moving up in tank size within the next 2 years.
I use to keep a Hippo but he died. The only thing I didnt like about them is that they get scared easy.He would almost always hide when some one was near the tank.They like to lie down like theyre dead. I think a Yellow Tang is a good choice. They are a very friendly and their bold yellow color makes them stand out.


Active Member
I absolutely agree with Seaguru, Qing is the key and I wish I listened and thats another story, but am doing it right, now. And I agree with Troy McClure I have the hippo/regal and it does lay like its dead, glad to know its not just mine that does this. ;)