Tang school


i was wondering what type of tangs are good in schools...i know yellow tangs are good to keep 3 or more in...i have a 320gal am looking to get 5+ tangs


Active Member
Kole Tangs and Sailfin Tangs are the first two that come to mind for me. My LFS keeps a school of Sailfins, and they look really nice together.


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i think the atlantic blue tang is gorgeous in its young color and evan betetr lookign in its adult color, and they are said to ONLY do well in schools


Active Member
Yellows, Convicts, and the Atlantic Blues would be best IMO to acually 'sorta' shcool together. I would not but more than one Kole in a tank myself.
I once had 5 yellows in a 180g and they mainly did there own thing but in a 320g they may feel a more natural enstinct, maybe if there were more like 8 or 10 of them.