Tang Spearing?


Active Member
I was watching that treasure hunting show on the Travel Channel last night... and for a portion of it they went to

fish (in Hawaii) for their supper.
To my shock they were spearing Achilles Tangs... two in one shot even

So out of the 4 fish they had 3 Achilles tangs... or like 300-400 dollars in fish for a couple of little fillets.
Guess its not much different than the locals who go diving with a hammer for giant clams to eat.


Active Member
At least she got a bloody nose out of it
Actually like the concept of her show most of the time -- I think some treasures are planted for her though. I like to go metal detecting and get out and about but jaw dropped as they speared the achilles tangs I wanted

But different areas of the world do different things... oh well, I'm not a vegatarian and bet they do taste good.


Active Member
I know trigger fish(dont know which kind) is very very tasty and popular in Japan. I have eaten it many times.. KAWAHAGGI!


Active Member
I've caught and eaten them in the gulf of mexico when I lived in florida -- different kind from the hobby triggers... but same family of fish.


if Achilles Tangs are so abundant why do we pay $200+ for them here in the US? Besides shipping....?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
if Achilles Tangs are so abundant why do we pay $200+ for them here in the US? Besides shipping....?
That's my question... a yellow tang is 30 - 50 bucks.... an achilles tang is 100+ easy.. IF you can find them


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
they are prettier and in more demand. When demand goes up, price goes up. Simple economics.
yea but a problem with supple and demand is that when demand goes up the price rises almost over night when after the price goes up it normally doesn't go down.