Tang swimming up and down


Friend of mine purchased a yellow tang for his tank and I was curious as to why his tang is swimming up and down on the left side of his tank? He has a 90G just like mine and has had his for a bit now...I believe 6 months or so...not 100% sure.
He has a yellow tang that he recently purchased and its pacing up and down on the side of the tank. He is the reason why I got into saltwater tanks again because of how great his looks...needless to say his water is great and he has had no issues with high nitrates etc...
Now I have heard this could be bc of a reflection or poor water quality etc...we have tried blocking the side of the tank with a towel and like I said the water quality is fine...could this be bc of being in a new tank? Even with the lights off the tang is over there. He is eating and looks very healthy.
Any ideas or thoughts?


Active Member
Just getting used to the tank and getting settled in.
Give it time -- probably hates his new surroundings --- just like a fly buzzing against a window trying to get out IMO.


Active Member
Could just be stressed from moving around in plastic bags and being in a new environment. Hopefully it will settle down in a few days.


Hmmm ok...thought so but hey figured I would ask as I have gotten some other great advice here..thanks!


The Tang is about 6-7in in a 90G tank...this morning I guess he has been swimming around a bit more nibbling off of the rock but he is still hanging out to one side of the tank...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jackri
Just getting used to the tank and getting settled in.
Give it time -- probably hates his new surroundings --- just like a fly buzzing against a window trying to get out IMO.

I agree with you about the fly syndrome...could the tang be wild caught? A critter that is used to the ocean would think the water is endless and freak out at an invisible barrier.


Ill ask them today at my LFS about the tang more...Ive got a feeling he is but who knows. My friend deals with the same LFS as i do so we will see.
Im going to invest in a new filtration system today for my tank so ill have time to ask. Another $500 down the tube but hey i need it instead of the damn HOB filter I have right now. Getting the Euro style filtration system with no bioballs so with the life rock and such doing most of the work I should be good.


My hippo tang did the same thing in my tank. after about 2-3 days he stopped and started wondering around the rest of the tank.