tang trouble


a friend of mine has a yellow tang among others and she discribed what sounds like ick"little black bugs on him" in her words. She sepperated it from her big tank and treated him, now i dont know what she did or how she treated him but anyways she said it went away so she put him back in the big tank and the next day it was back just as bad.any thoughts will help.

p.s. this is the only reason im affraid to get tangs myself if anyone can ease my mind i would love to have one.


treatment should be carried out for weeks(4-5) and not just for a day, you should not be afraid on keeping tangs however tank size, water quality, water flow, tank inmates and the correct feeding .tangs are used to graze all day long in the reef so a good veg. diet is required .
provide some info about your tank and im sure many people in this board wiil help you out.



what do you sugest i tell her for treatment im not familiar with ick ive been lucky enough not to have to deal with it yet so any info will help both of us.
and very nice tank

mpls man

Active Member
i love your tank setup,
in seeing you have many tangs, i have a 75 gal and have had many problems with tangs as well, ick ishues.. what do you sug as water flows...
i would love to have another 1 but i'm afraid as well to gat another 1 , i'm going to be soon setting up a 110 gal tank, should i wait to get 1 then or do you think i could get 1 now. my tank has been going for over 4 yrs, here are my water params
ph 8.3-8.4
nitrates 0
nitrites 0
sal 0.23-.025
alk 4.5
calc 460-470
temp 79-80*
the tangs i've had in the past are..
blue tang
white cheek
powder brown
they've all died from almost the same reason, i believe, i would always have alge in the tank for them to graze on.
do you have any sug.....


MPLS MAN, since you are going to update to a bigger tank i would highly recomend not to buy any tangs now. I use closed loop system with a turn over of 10,000 litres/hour, as surface movement im using a pump with a turn over of 5,000 litres/hour, and another 11,000 litres/hour that drives my return and skimmer (laguna pump).
I keep my water a bit higher then yours (temp), mine is at 28 degrees c.
My salinity at 1026-1027, this is maintained by an ro tank with a float to compensate for evaporation, i also mix kalk with the ro water to keep my calcium level at around 4
Feeding tangs: nori, lettuce, clams, prawn, pellets, musells and scallops, but the main diet is nori and the lettuce daily.

bozfamily, regarding treatment check the 'disease and treatment' on this forum. i've had ick (white spot) in the past, however i did not remove the fish from ym tank, it would have been impossible, i just kept up the feed and gave doses of garlic, maybe it was just luck, but my theory is that if the fish is well fed their chances of recovery are much greater.

But the biggest winner is volume (larger tanks). just my little input. RICK...


Active Member
Mpls man,your tank is too small for the tangs on your list .Try a tang in the bristletooth family such as a Kole or Tomini.
Your Alk reading is way too low..it needs to be in the range of 10-11.2...your CA should be no higher than 450.


i belive that mpl only gave us a list of his loses overall, and maybe not what he had in the tank in the one time.( i could be wrong) but his doing the right thing , asking before purchasing.

mpls man

Active Member
Originally Posted by ricks280
i belive that mpl only gave us a list of his loses overall, and maybe not what he had in the tank in the one time.( i could be wrong) but his doing the right thing , asking before purchasing.
oh yes ...i did only have 1 -2 tangs at the most..
as far as temp.. do fish and corals do better in warmer temps, my temp is 79-80* with lights on during the day..
as far as flow i have a Ocean Motion wavemaker running on a CL with a Quiet 1 4000hh at 1' below top of tank. also i have a ph440 in the corner..
would you sud having more current the what i have?
as far as calcium, i've never had to add any kalk to raise it , i use Instant Ocean salt .
i do have a RODI system setup for water top off and changes and any evaporation. thanks for all the help.


New Member
Black dots are fish lice (Argulus) You need to quarantine the fish and treat him with some Praziquantel for 3-5 days.
When a fish has Cryptocarayon Irritans (Ich), it will be covered in white dots.


ok just found out more info turns out she already diagnosed that it was lice she already treated with praziquantel or equal med the prob is that once it goes away she will leave it in qt for another week and as soon as it goes back in big tank it comes right back. is this somthing that can be infested in the tank?
no other fish are having this prob.
any sug. will help