tang vs angel or both?


Active Member
would a flame angel and a yellow tang be compatable in a 125 gal tank? (would be added seperatly)
current FISH stock:
3 chromis
2 false percs
and a missing or dead and gone royal gramma
or, would i be better off with a naso tang and a yellow tang and skip the angel
or should i only get ONE of the above
TIA :happyfish


they prolly would get along.. u would prolly have to get lots of lr and make lots of hiding spots but i dont think it should be a problem


Active Member
I kept a flame angel and a yellow tang(also had Emporator and half black angel) in our 200 gallon with no problems, as long as you have plenty of lr you shouldn't have any either. The dwarf angels seemed to be more mellolw then the larger breeds. Lisa


Active Member
ok, if i go for both, does it matter which i add first? and i know tangs are prone to ich, but what are the angels know for in the disease dept?


Active Member
I would add the flame angel 1st. I have a flame, and yellow tang in my 240 together. So far they get along, but they've only been together for a few weeks now.
They seem to be prone to ich as are the tangs. Other than that as long as fed a good diet they should do well. I've had my flame for almost a year, and he's been doing good.


Active Member
Sorry Cindy, I don't have any knowledge of Naso so I really couldn't say. I think I have seen photos by other members that have both though. Good luck in what you choose. Lisa


Active Member

Originally posted by CindySki
any comments on the naso & yellow or is that not a good idea?

My naso and yellow get along great.. The yellow was first fish and the naso came months later.. the yellow is about 1/4 the size of the naso and still thinks hes the boss of the tank.. lol..
these guys all hang out at the shaving brushes in the corner like it was the neighborhood bar ... btw the Naso blond tang is such a great fish to watch swimg around the tank.. by far one of the best fish I have purchased.
If you want one you should get one.. Very nice fish IMO