Tang with bacterial infection?

mot ii

Our yellow tang (which we have had for over a year) just developed this coloring near its back fin area. This happened in the last day as we didn't notice it before. It seems to look like a bacterial infection...could anyone comment....
The parameters in the tank (65 gal) are at a normal level except the nitrates which seem to have spiked to 20. Our red strip angel fish also seems to be starting a slight pop-eye symptom (he had this last fall which we successfully treated with Miacyn II.)
We have a QT tank, so we are going to move the tang and red stripe angel into it for now so we can medicate with Miacyn II. However, we recently put our bubble tip anenome in the QT as he has been looking quite poorly lately. Will the Miacyn II hurt the anenome in the QT?

mot ii

I just got home from work and saw the tang myself (my husband had noticed the problem and sent me the picture at work...) The orangish area at the back of the tang is a bit darker than it appears in the picture and there is a white dot in the middle of the orange area. It looks just like a large pimple with discoloration around it (about size of a small pencil eraser). I am thinking it is probably bacterial, but not certain.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Plus one with Beth on this one. From the pic it also looks like some redness on the body if it is only isolated on the tail and you cannot seem to cure it with medication. As a last resort and something I have done is take the fish out and use an exato knife (radical I know) and cut out the bacteria

mot ii

Thanks. Does anyone know if Myacin II is harmful to anenomes? Our bubble tip is in the QT right now (we're keeping an eye on it to see if it has any problems unrelated...) we don't know if we should put the anenome back into the DT for now or if we can leave it in the QT with the tang and medicate....


Maracyn 2 is the correct medication. You have to remove the anemone first though. The medication will kill it.
Why exactly is the anemone in QT? Was there an issue?

mot ii

The anemone is in the QT because for quite a while he has been really small (not expanding with his tentacles, etc) and one of our clowns that hosts it is constantly taking the food out of it when we try to feed it and she is constantly bugging him. When this happens he tends to find a crevice to move to...(which is what he did now) but she does all she can to try to push herself against him. We moved him so that we could see if we could get him back to a normal life without constantly harassed by her.
Thanks again.


How does this Bacterial infection happen? Ive had my yellow tang for over 5 months and noticed some redning in the same area but does not have the pimple like piece.


Originally Posted by juniors04
How does this Bacterial infection happen? Ive had my yellow tang for over 5 months and noticed some redning in the same area but does not have the pimple like piece.
Some times I have noticed that it is not an internal bacteria infection, which it can't hurt too much to QT and use para-guard, but a red spot just being a spot where the fish has rubbed up against something. My blue tang had a red spot close to his "spike" and it was caused from him just rubbing up against objects in the tank.


Staff member
Something wrong in the environment, or inadequate nutrition are the usual culprits.