Tang with possible HLLE


New Member
I just read a thread about a yellow tang with red blotches and mine has the same thing. The lateral line and some patches around the eyes are showing, kinda like dents, but not as bad as hole in head. The nitrates are at 40ppm, and I think tha might be bothering him. He does eat though, every well... what can i do for him?


Staff member
Can you get a picture up?
You are right, nitrates do seem to effect tangs adversely, ending in causing HLLE. I have yet to hear of a tang in a high nitrate environment, that did not develop this disease.
Why do you have high nitrates? Is your tank FO? Start using zoecon food supplement. Do you have a grounding probe.
Reddened areas signify stress sites, and even bacterial infection developing. Again, the nitrates is a likely culprit.
Do you have a quarantine tank?


New Member
currently he is in the QT because the puffer is in the large tank with parasites. But in the QT are also all the other fish that were in with the puffer. I have high nitrates because I see the fish begging and feel bad when I don't feed them


Staff member
You need a tank with LR and a DSB then, like me, then you can dump in as much fish food as you want. :D
You could treat with Maracyn Two for saltwater fish. Be sure that your QT water quality is high before beginning this treatment. Before each redose, do a water change.
Start using zoecon by soaking your fish food, then offering it to your fish.
Use a grounding probe.
What type food are you using?