
tanks alot

i wanted to get a tang that is in the Zebrasoma family but i dont know which one. it is a 180 with a foxface, vlion, pgrouper


Active Member
Any fish in this family would be a great choice for your system.
My two favorites are
Zebrasoma desjardinii (Red Sea Sailfin Tang) and
Zebrasoma xanthurum (Purple Tang)
I have a Zebrasoma veliferum
(Sailfin Tang) in my system and I love him, I just wish I had gotten the purple instead. A good looking purple tang is just hands down gorgeous.


Active Member
I agree any of them with that tank, I have Yellows, purple and sailfin in my 150g for years now...some are a little more aggressive than others, IMO, the scopas is the most aggressive of that genus......I think the Sailfin has the greatest personality and easy going and not as easily stressed.

tanks alot

i have a scopas in my 125 and his corol is so dull. i really want a purple but they are so expensive around here and most places want to much for a red sea salfin


Active Member
O man id go with a purple. Ive seen one at the lfs and I want it so bad but I gotta wait till i can afford a larger tank.

But if you do make sure hes the last fish added. Those things can get mean.


I've got them both and I must admit... I love them. They are huge. About the size of your hand. When the Sailfin flashes his bat like fins he's a monster.