

our blue tank keeps getting white spots on her nose...what is it...all is well with the water...is she lacking someting in her diet???

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by jcazz10
sorry...camera broke...i guess it looks more like losing her color a little in that area
what do u feed her

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by jcazz10
flake food in the am and brine in the p.m
big mistake, brine has the nutritional value of a candy bar. You do know your tang needs a diet of greens right with a bit of meat?? I feed my powder blue a piece of krill dosed with garlic once a week (just let him nibble on it for a few min. out of my hand) 1 seaweed sheet a week and veggie flakes daily. Do the garlic dose immediately and it could eliminate the few specs on his nose. Must change that diet. no brine. use the krill as the treat, it's healthier

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by jcazz10
i heard we should give lettuce once in a while????
ne1 ever heard of that???
no lettuce, it could have pesticides etc... thats a no, no. seaweed sheets instead


Active Member
try mysis that is good for them i am feeding frozen freshwater mysis. it may sound wierd but he said after switching food he had less diseaese so the salt wtr mysis can bring in bad bacteria and possibly disease?