

Active Member
I'd have to agree....if the water quality is good then the fish is satisfied...when u feed him he's happy...does he truly think that this damn tank is too small for me??? No... i doubt that...my fish have yet to show any sort of reasoning...just stressed looks and non stressed (happy) looks! I think we all basically agree on this matter....maybe the ocean is more fun but our tanks are certainly not too bad...I mean if it was a fish bowl with a gallon of water in it...I'd say then they might be unhappy...but a 46 bow a 55 gallon a 300 gallon...most fish would be happy in any one of those tanks.


I was told by my lfs that an average fish has a 6 second memory. I guess that means that 35 hours 59 minutes and 54 seconds of that first 36 hour plane ride after being yanked out of the ocean, the fish spends wondering where he came from. And even if there is some genius of a fish in the bag with him that can tell him where he came from 6 seconds later he forgets. My point is, we can't tell if our fish are happy or not but at least we can be fairly sure they're not homesick, Wamp. :p


Active Member
i have question, who here has a tank breed tang??, it is my understanding very few tangs will breed in captivity, and those who do, normally aren't successful because the fry generally don't make it
other than that, in agreement, i have to say, way to go wamp!, all of us should try to be more understanding about our little friends, and we should all think like that
being in a tank, too small for a fish, can't be good, i know i wouldn't be able to stand it, myself if i were confined to my home, let alone, and area anoy 3x's my height, and then you throw a bunch of firends in there for me to bump into all the time, i would get stressed, and for the 6 second memory, why is it our puffers, whenever my wife went near the tank, would go up to her(only her), as if feeding time, or when we feed our marine tank and get out the turkey baster, the scooter comes out of whatever hole she is in, and climbs to the highest point on the rock, on the left side of the tank??, although, they are not geniuses, they do must have a better memory thatn that, other wise, she would just go about her business, wouldn't she?
i do agree that we ahve no idea about if they are happy, but it is our obligation to try and make them comfortable, and sticking them in a container, which may stunt their growth, would not be comfortable(for any creature)
let me just say one thing here.
who really cares what the next guy puts into their tank? is it really anybody elses problem?? i don't care if a fish of any kind goes into a 10 gallon or even a thousand gallon! it's still nowhere near the size of the ocean. so again, who cares!! if it is healthy then cool! you can keep it alive. it seems like this board is just full of a bunch of fish activists, thats stupid, i wish everyone would just get over it!!!!!!!!

kris walker

Active Member
Yes, the 6-sec memory thing is not consistent with many things I've observed from fish (I was also in freshwater for at least 6 years). And yuppers, we should really get off this "happy" issue. Questions like "will this be happy" we will never know the answer to, so you should just use your best judgement.


Active Member
I am a fish activist and a coral activist. I think we should all be. We should be concenious about what we take from the ocean and not let our own wants get in the way of mother nature. Who cares? I do, thats who. Dont like it? Dont read my posts. Like I said I have kept a reef tank for years and will continue to. My observation was, however, are fish really happy? Who cares again? Me. 6 second memory? Well for that 6 seconds they rember i want them to be "happy".
Lets just agree to disagree... Thats what makes the world go around!


Hmmm.... I live on a 35' boat with a Great Dane larger than I am. That would be like 2 tangs in a 36 gal long, narrow tank. I'm happy, especially when I take my


kris walker

Active Member
Just to clarify my earlier post, I've seen evidence for a much longer memory than 6 seconds based on patterns of learned behavior, especially associated with food. So the memory has to be at least as long as several days to remember the pattern. Fish are smarter than most believe in my opinion, and just because they can't build nuclear reactors doesn't make them insignificant (I would challenge you to tell a great white he is insignificant). :)
I am not a fish or coral activist just because I don't join protests involving them. Now if you were to come to my house and show me a fish or coral, then pull out a pin and start pricking it, well, that would start trouble, and I guess I would become an activist then.
As I'm sure everyone wants, I just want a healthy coral and/or fish tank, and so I strive to keep my little guys as happy as possible, even to the point of talking to them at times. :) To not do so would be stupid, as they will just get sick and die, causing me lots of time and pain.
I think what wamp is saying is that we should all care about our fish/corals we put in our tank, and when we think we can help others care for their fish/corals (after all, they ask for it), we should.
EDIT: remember, just my opinion.


Active Member
I agree.. 6 second memory? Some fish have mates for life. Does this mean they have to re-intorduce thereselves every 6 seconds? Clownfish live in anonimes. Do they have to return every 6 seconds? Not flaming either! Just joking.


Active Member
now, let me get this right, you live in a boat, NEVER go above deck or off the boat, never leave the dock, and have a great dane in there?? an dhe neve rleaves either
WOW, HOW DO YOU DO IT???!!!!, my hat is tipped to you, YOU ARE WAY MORE OF A MAN THAN ME,i know i could not do that, myself, and i agree again with wamp, I DO(care), ilike and care about all fishes, and my wife, just let her catch you locking a cat in teh bathroom, for any period (not 1/2 hour, jsut because you got company and a mean cat)of time(or any animal), she'd flip
as i said, it is our duty to give them a happy and healthy home, we brought them home, they did nothing wrong, to be punished, it was my understanding that: WE DO NOT BUY FISH(or any animals), WE ADOPT THEM, this means that they are not art, and should be treated as family (and cared for)and not a thing to abuse in any way, and we should ALL CARE
, not just a few of us


Active Member
i missed that one, sam, the great white, has survived in the medaterranean, with almost no food good enough to sustain them, except tuna, which are @12 times fater, in open water, how do you suspect he catches these fish, he outsmarts them, they do not normally eat smaller fish, because they sould have to be contantly eating jsut to sustain their health, this means no time left to hunt for more food,a nd many fish in the ocean are faster than him, so he would have to work much hrder to eat enough of smaller fish, they have been proven to be very intelligent hunters, even though they do sometimes attack boats and non food things, but looking at the bottttom of a boat from under the sea, with oars, the silhouette could look like many things
now most i have said is just my opinion too, but the memory, i would have to contest, based upon experience that i have and upon proven facts(ie the great white's hunting abilities and his ability to adapt, when the food supply changes so does his hunting)

sinner's girl

lfs told me 3-sec memory. but that doesn't mean they can't be condition (101 psychology will teach you that...)
my fish knows that when i tap she's going to be fed. she knows that if i pick of the can of flakes (even after only doing it 2's and not offten) that she's going to get flakes. She might not remember, but she's knows...
"fish need

" do you think next time i got to my doc i can ask him for some xanaz for my fish...? though my fish "looks" happy except now that we added a new one she's trying to get out of the tank, i know new ones will do this (though i never understood why...maybe something to do with they got of the bag...) but i've never seen a fish i've already do this after adding a new one. but it sure is funny to watch them swim up and down, side to side.

kris walker

Active Member
Fshhub, I agree with you. I was not trying to say great whites were dumb.
Sinner's girl, man that is a thought-provoking name, I feel that preconditioning cannot exist without memory. I don't see how else preconditioning can work. As for the lfs, I would suggest you ask him next what his evidence is for 3-sec memory. Then you be the judge.
One more little tidbit to add. Did anyone ever see the Discovery channel's piece on the octopus that would at night climb out of its tank, move across the room, grab some live food out of another tank, move back across the room, and be back in his tank before the lab employees came back in the morning? They couldn't explain the missing food for awhile, then set up a video camera one night, and voila, got the whole thing on film. It was absolutely stunning!


Active Member
sam, LOL, i was not commenting on you thinking they were dumb, just elaborating for those who think fish are not intelligent at all and also DON'T CARE, because they don't seem to get the picture, we ADOPT our little buddies, we don't buy them as wall ornaments, we do have a duty to fulfill to them, sorry if i gave you the impression i wa flaming you, i have (probabaly, almost) always agreed with what you have said, and if ther were any times i did not, it was on opionable things, not important things(like wheteher or not skimmers are neccessary or to put a mural back on your tank, or something not very imprtatnt to the fish), LOL
i do like your opinions and obxervations, for the record
L8r doood

kris walker

Active Member
Thanks for the feedback fshhub. I've agreed with your posts most times too (if not all--I got a bad memory...roughly 6 seconds). :)