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Sorry, I haven't updated my profile, I do have a 46 gallon. If I got a tang, it was going to be a really small one like 1-3".
I'd still recommend against it until you have a suitable environment. This is from personal experience, too. I got a juvenile hippo for a 55g, with the intent of upgrading. The upgrade process was harder than I thought, and though I actually did upgrade, most people end up not doing so. At any rate, even though the tang was 1", within a few weeks it broke out with ich. Then, after survivng that ordeal, the poor little fish got HLLE, and that took 8 months to clear up. Within 1 week of being in a 180g tank, the HLLE was practically healed. Anyway, the point is that tangs don't take long to become active swimmers, and would be completely stressed in a tank as small as yours. Juveniles are also harder to keep alive, and I was lucky mine survived. There are loads of stories on here about people who got a juvenile tang and it died within a month. My advice is not to get one, but it's your decision, just know that it will very likely end badly.