

Is there a tang that can be kept in a 60 gallon? i realize there probably isnt but i'm just wishing and hoping.


I believe the kole tang would be your best candidate but still borderline


Active Member
What are the dimensions? I would say not really, maybe a small one for a short time but not ideal. Is it a reef tank or folwr, there's lots of dwarf angelfish or wrasses that are brightly colored and active that would be better suited to that tank. Keep in mind also that herbivores like tangs add a huge bioload, they literally poop and eat all day long so any larger fish is going to severly limit the amound of other fish you can get.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Common consensus is that a min of 66 gallons are needed for a Kole that being said what other livestock do you have in your tank. Most Kole tangs come into the LFS at medium to large size BUT small ones can be found if you search hard enough. I can not tell you to do it BUT ……


Active Member
i would keep any tang in a 60 gallon until it outgrows it. that would be a very short while for some. even a kole tang can get to 5-7 inches. the trouble is, they like to swim. the smaller the tank, the more stressful it will be for them as they mature.
the truth of the matter is most of us don't have a big enough tank to provide enough swimming space for a tang. i would say it's up to you, what you are willing to put a fish through for your enjoyment.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
i would keep any tang in a 60 gallon until it outgrows it. that would be a very short while for some. even a kole tang can get to 5-7 inches. the trouble is, they like to swim. the smaller the tank, the more stressful it will be for them as they mature.
the truth of the matter is most of us don't have a big enough tank to provide enough swimming space for a tang. i would say it's up to you, what you are willing to put a fish through for your enjoyment.
Of course the flip side to that my good and learned Friend could be this. A tang in a 60 with a conesnsious hobbyist maybe better off than one in a 110 g tank that is poorly managed


the dimensions are: 4ft long, 20 inch depth, 13 inches wide
There isn't anything in the tank yet except for live rock and live sand. It just finished cycling.