
about how long does it take a tang to grow to its full size?
think i could put some in a 30 g and ten move them to a 85 g in about a year?


Active Member
First of all, you should try posting your question once instead of 3 times.

Next, I wouldn't recommend putting any tang in that small of a tank as it will stress the fish and not allow it to grow naturally. Some tangs can take several years to reach full size, but if it's environment is too stressful it can die or end up with one of several diseases or parasitic outbreaks which lead to death. Tangs are an open ocean fish, which need lots of room. I suggest if you plan on getting a larger tank, just wait until you have that tank to purchase your tang. Also, 85g is too small for most tangs, you might be able to have a kole or yellow tang in that, but most other species need much more room.
ive been reading and it says that tangs should be fine with lots of swimming room. for a 30 galon tank it fairly has a bunch of open space and im only keeping them in there why they are small. by the time they even start getting too big for the tank it should be time to get another tank and thas when ill move them. and by the way its a yellow tang and a blue hippo tang.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemofreakk23
ive been reading and it says that tangs should be fine with lots of swimming room. for a 30 galon tank it fairly has a bunch of open space and im only keeping them in there why they are small. by the time they even start getting too big for the tank it should be time to get another tank and thas when ill move them. and by the way its a yellow tang and a blue hippo tang.
That is not nearly enough room for either tang, and certainly not enough for the hippo especially. You're welcome to try and find out for yourself, of course. Hippo tangs have a high mortality rate at juvenile sizes, so even if there were enough swimming room (and in my opinion, there is not in a 30g) the juvenile hippos are more susceptible to HLLE and ich.
If you do this, keep in mind that most people on the boards here will be of similar mindset, and there's little that we will be able to suggest if you run into problems except that you put the fish in a tank of adequate size. Best of luck.


Active Member
Unfortunately you are not going to find too many people here that will support your idea. If you want to have a stressed out Tang, by all means, add it to a 30 gallon tank. Here is nowhere near enough swim room.


you have asked this same question on over four threads. All of the reponse on all of the threads are telling you "no way". Its seems like you don't like the answers and post a new thread in hopes that someone will agree with you. Listen to the feed back you've gotten. There are many years of successfull advice being given to you. We do not have anything to gain by giving you this advice but to help a fellow hobbiest. If you want the continued help of everyones knowledge listen, learn and apply it. Just because a fish is cool doesn't mean you can keep it successfully. We are all limited by the size of our tank, set up, equipment and other stock. Remember you are playing god to this mini ecco system and all life depends on you. Do the right thing. forget about the tangs. When your tank is bigger and you have the right equipment and experience then consider one.