Originally posted by jwtrojan44
Given that these fish can live upwards of 30 years, what measure of sucess is it keeping one in a small tank for a year. IMO, because countless people do it, doesn't make it good husbandry. If you talk to a lot of hobbyists, you'll find that the majority of those with a good deal of experience, and who's opinions are respected, won't consider these fish for small tanks.
trust me i have talked to hundreds of hobbyist (including Greg Shiemer, Bruce Carlson, and many other respected reef authorties that visit the store i look at.....most of the elegance corals for Bornemans experiment came for the place a work) and many of them keep them successfully......again its not what i would do but it is easily possible..........no offense but i see close to 1000 new fish a month and sell them to ppl and know what they need and how the ppl keep them..................not to make this personal but what is your experience with fish....probally not with thousands a year...........not to be rude but i am sick of ppl saying everything can't be done.......there are thousands of ways to bend the "rules" of reef tanks...........
that is fact, but if you want to hear my oppinion as ophiura says these boards are about....then don't mix them or get a tang for that size tank.....i wouldn't get a tang for a tank smaller than 180g....but then again i hate fish agression in my own reef, and i run a sps reef with a smaller bioload.....