Tangs and more tangs


New Member
Could I put a blue hippo tang in a 38-gallon with a sailfin tang? They would be the only 2 fish in the tank right now with a starfish and cleaner shrimp.


Hi, there has been a lot of posts on tangs in small tanks recently. Everyone agrees that even 1 tang is a 38gallon tank would be too much. They need at least 75 gallon or so. Also, tangs get territorial with each other so that might be a problem also.


You can (as in "you can do anything you want") but you shouldn't as they need much bigger tanks to remain healthy and ick free.


New Member
Do some more research about tangs- you'll find that a 38 gallon is too small in the long run for one tang, let alone two. There's lots of other fish that are appropriate for a 38- why choose fish that aren't?
Instead of spending money on a fish- get a couple of good marine books. It will save you trouble, money and fishes' lives in the long run- a much better investment! Robert Fenner, Scott Michael, and John Tullock all have good books for beginners.

mr . salty

Active Member
Good answers,and all correct.A 38 is TOO SMALL for even one tang. But to answer your question.Yes these two tangs will get along.They are from different families of tangs. I have them both in my 130.Again,Do not punish these fish by cramming them in that small tank...


All tangs love to swim alot, plus they get big. they will need a big tank to do that. Do some reading on the fish you want to buy, and you will find what they need to have to live a healthy life. Good Luck