Tangs and Triggerfish


Has anyone put a Lavendar or Scopas Tang with a Triggerfish? ONe of the websites you can order fish from states they can be put together with caution..my LFS just got these two tangs in but I didnt want to try anything without seeing if anyone else had luck.


I have had a humu humu with a regal and naso, no problems what so ever.


Originally Posted by EmeralCrab
I have had a humu humu with a regal and naso, no problems what so ever.
well maybe ill give it a try, just hate to see anyone get hurt, Ill panic!! I just really need to get another tank up!!


Originally Posted by dfabrikant
Has anyone put a Lavender or Scopas Tang with a Triggerfish? One of the websites you can order fish from states they can be put together with caution..my LFS just got these two tangs in but I didn't want to try anything without seeing if anyone else had luck.
I have a sargassum trigger with my Scopas Tang and my other tangs with no problem at all you should be fine, btw what kind of trigger do you want?


Originally Posted by redman1221
I have a sargassum trigger with my Scopas Tang and my other tangs with no problem at all you should be fine, btw what kind of trigger do you want?
I already have a Clown Trigger, wanting to add a Tang


I have a Zebrasoma Rostratum with xanthichthys-mento. Here some pics of them. The Blackc tang was added first and the trigger months later. No aggression issues what so ever. Regards, Tim



Active Member
Originally Posted by dfabrikant
Will Tangs bother the crabs or starfish?
Probably not; but your clown trigger sure will. These are one of the most aggressive fish in the hobby. I assume you have a very small one, if you still have live inverts.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Probably not; but your clown trigger sure will. These are one of the most aggressive fish in the hobby. I assume you have a very small one, if you still have live inverts.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Probably not; but your clown trigger sure will. These are one of the most aggressive fish in the hobby. I assume you have a very small one, if you still have live inverts.
He is about 4-5" now, He doesnt seem to have any intrest at all right now, even when I add new crabs he doesnt even go over to them...my LFS said not to feed him any live food and also keep him well fed and he wouldnt be as aggressive as most CT. He eats well too.. Ive had him for four months now.


myerst22;2694054 said:
I have a Zebrasoma Rostratum with xanthichthys-mento. Here some pics of them. The Blackc tang was added first and the trigger months later. No aggression issues what so ever. Regards, Tim
your tank looks great! I love it! and I love the look of the black Tang


Originally Posted by myerst22
I have a Zebrasoma Rostratum with xanthichthys-mento. Here some pics of them. The Blackc tang was added first and the trigger months later. No aggression issues what so ever. Regards, Tim

whats the fish on the bottom right corner


Ok so I went ahead an bought the Lavender Tang today, right now shes in the QT tank which I treated with Copper. I am just really hoping the trigger will except her when shes ready for the tank, just still worry! How long should she be in QT to make sure she is free of disease, I would hate it to be long cause its small and I know Tangs need bigger tanks, dont want her too stressed. Here are some pictures, does anyone think she looks bad or anything, like colors, etc, Her mouth looks like something happen.....It was hard to get any pictures because she was laying low in the corner.



Originally Posted by redman1221
Did you see him eat before you got him or was he swimming at all where you got him from?
yes he has been eating frozen brine shrimp and flakes, I have been watching him there for about 2 weeks now, he seemed like he was being bullied by another Tang last time I was there, but that Tang was already gone when I got there. He hasnt been swimming since I got him home but he did at the store..
The readings on my QT are
Nitrite 0.25
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
PH 8.2
Salinity 35
SG 1.026
Temp 79
well I just saw him swim a little but once he saw me he went back to the corner


Originally Posted by dfabrikant
yes he has been eating frozen brine shrimp and flakes, I have been watching him there for about 2 weeks now, he seemed like he was being bullied by another Tang last time I was there, but that Tang was already gone when I got there. He hasn't been swimming since I got him home but he did at the store..
The readings on my QT are
Nitrite 0.25
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
PH 8.2
Salinity 35
SG 1.026
Temp 79
well I just saw him swim a little but once he saw me he went back to the corner
Do you have the lights on right now if you do I would turn them off for awhile and I would put some seaweed that was soaked in garlic in there so he could have something to eat. It might take him awhile to get use to you coming to the tank but I wish you luck, he should be fine once he start eating.