Tangs for a 125G


Active Member
I'm looking to finally stock up some swimmers in my tank and needed some advice. My 125G is a cool reef (for me anyways), but right now it only had a yellow tang, clown, dusky jawfish and blue faced blennie. I also have some inverts, turbo snails, red scarlet hermits, cleaner shrimp, pistol shrimp, several left handed zebras, nothing major. I was going to go the gobie/blennie route since I love these things, but, well, I need some swimmers. I know tangs can fight and I don't want any of that, plus I don't want any that would cause issues at a later date with adding a few dartfish or even some chromis, depending on my bioload. I would like to add some of these types of tangs (just one of each though): kole, naso, chevron, orange shouldered, atlantic blue, unicorn (maybe too small of a tank though?).
Any thoughts on which would be the best and most compatible with each other and my current livestock?


Active Member
Look at the thread for fish/inverts to avoid is what I believe it is called. I have a 125 and have 2 yellow tangs, 1 atlantic blue juvi, a yellow eyed kole and a red sea sailfin. The 2 yellows fight ever now and then. Yellows need to be added at the same time or they will be territorial. HTH atleast a little.


Active Member
The tank is 6 foot long. Definately not adding two yellows :) In fact, I don't want two of anything, I want a lot of color in the fish. Plus my one year old loves watching the yellow tang and the clown, so I thought he would enjoy some more swimmers.


Active Member
MO is to decide which of the larger tangs (hippo, naso, achilles, etc) that you like best and aim for that as your display fish. They will get large and I would let a couple of tangs (the yellow and your favorite) grow and see how big and healthy they can really be :cheer:
Good for you for the planning!


Active Member
Yeah, that is a very good point poniegirl. What about compatibility? Any of those tangs which I listed prone to problems with my yellow tang or with any of the other listed tangs? What if I opted to add the naso, chevron, orange shouldered and atlantic blue, think that would be too much for the 125?


I have been trying to decide in what to put in my 165 gal tank
(7 feet long). I have had people on this forum and other forums tell me that I can only keep 2 tangs max and that I would not be able to keep a naso or unicorn because of their max size. I am still trying to decide on what to do, so I hope you get several replies to your post.

clown boy

Active Member
I've got three tangs in my 135; a Blue Hippo, a Purple, and a Foxface. I've never heard that I can only keep 2 tangs maximum. I've actually been planning on a fourth.


Active Member
In my 125, I had 3 yellows, a hippo, and a naso tang. It was a little overstocked, I ended up losing them in a flood and no power for a day. Right now I have a purple tang and am thinking of adding maybe a hippo and a sohal or orange shoulder tang. Haven't decided and right now none of them are available. I think you can get away with at least 3 tangs IMO, as long as they are compatible with each other.


Did your 3 YT get along? Did you put them in at the same time?
What else did you have in your tank and for how long?
Sorry, not trying to steal the thread. I was thinking of doing three yellow tangs instead of a group of green chromis as kind of a schooling group.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CoachD
Did your 3 YT get along? Did you put them in at the same time?
What else did you have in your tank and for how long?
Sorry, not trying to steal the thread. I was thinking of doing three yellow tangs instead of a group of green chromis as kind of a schooling group.
Added the 3 yellows at the same time, and they got along pretty well. Once in a while they would chase each other, but there was no damage. There was never any cuts on their bodies or on their fins. We had them for almost 6 months until our area flooded and we lost power. They were with a hippo, naso, and other fish.