Tangs in 20l


Active Member
anytime, anyway tangs need lots of actual swimming space, they get big, and blue hippoes need algae to graze, and places to hide, they get scared pretty easy, i scared mine once and he wedged himself ina barnacle(which have since taken out) for about an hour in a half


I cant believe you have that powder blue in that 20g tank. Great looking tank though. Those are really hard to keep, i am surprised he is doing well in such a young tank. Those guys are very costly at my LFS. How much did you spend on him?
That gold stripe is awesome as well.
Whatever works, works.
Keep up the good work.



Originally posted by J_G
im gonna watch my feeding so he doesnt outgrow my tank too soon.

so your going to under feed it just so it will stay small :rolleyes: i feel sorry for the fish


No offense, but if the tank is only 3 weeks old you haven't been successful in keeping the tang alive. Only time will tell, but you cannot slow growth by not feeding alot with this type of fish. The stress of living inside such a small box will eventually kill him. Large adult fish = the need for a large tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by J_G
im gonna watch my feeding so he doesnt outgrow my tank too soon.

I'm going to refrain from saying what I was going to say. And just say, I think your attitude is cruel to this fish. Tangs like to swim and eat. Two things it cannot do in your tank. They spend all day grazing and swim hundreds of miles a day in the ocean. Would you like to be stuffed in a closet and fed one lettuce leaf every day?


I have had a blue regal tang and a yellow tang in my tank for two years now. I have never had a bout with ich or any other problems. I feed them well and they seem to stay pretty small. I think that they are beautiful fish and would say go for it. I know many will be angry with this, but that is the beauty of this board. We learn what people think and do from all around. Good luck. Oh yeah and my buddy nerdy had a blue tang that was like 5 or 6 years old and gigantic in a 35gal. he seemed real happy.


Active Member
Are you guys really serious? A powder blue tang in a 20g. That fish will outgrow that tank. If this is serious then you need to take that fish out because he will definetly die. You can't just try to stunt his growth by not feeding him. He probably won't make it for very much longer.


Active Member
Ohh wow-while i was typing that post like 10 more people posted. I must type really slow.


i dont think the size is what makes him happy its just how you treat them.
I would like to have a regal tang but my tanks 2 small