Tangs in 20l


The store never told me not to put him in a 20g tank. He also looks healthier now then when I got him. I dont know what to do with him now tha I already own him.


Active Member
up to u, but if the tang looks healthy and happy, might as well!
ya happy and healthy for now. But in a couple more months it won't be.


the tang in the 20gal is still alive and well years later. its up to you, I dont want to get ripped apart. I have blue regal and yellow tang in 45 gal. they are two years old and doing well


Ross you seem angry. Aquariums are beautiful and saltwater fish are exceptional. I agree with treat them well and they will be happy.


Active Member
Ok i don't want to get in the middle of a tang debate. Its your tank and your decision, i'm just giving you my opinion. Good luck! BTW i'm not angry or anything-just trying to help out:)


I agree with you Ross. I did not intend to state angry, I just cant understand why people get so crazy with the subject of tangs. I think opinions are what help form our decisions


Active Member
I think it is a matter of attitude mostly.
Obviously some fish will survive in smaller than "normal" recomended tanks.
For me, anyway, that's not really the issue. As I work on my new tank I'm going for "thriving" rather than "surviving".
I agree with the several peeps who opposed the "underfeeding to control growth" idea. I can't imagine anyone saying that they were going to not feed their puppy much so that it would stay small.
It's all up to the aquarist; No one can impose their ideals on you.
So why do you want the fish?


I didnt say that I was not going to feed my fish. I just stated that I was going to watch my feeding and not overfeed for the meer essence of giving him a fat belly.


Active Member
fireo1o i dont think the size is what makes him happy its just how you treat them.
thats like putting a golden retriever in a dog crate, feeding him fine and everything, but he cant run around


i guess it doesnt matter. I already bought him now have to take care of him. You saying you want me to flush him down the toilet?
Dont think so!


Active Member
heck no! if you'd want to trae him for smaller fish, you could find peopel in your area on the trading forum on this site


Active Member
Hey jg
I live in San Antonio and there is a local reef club. We are having a meeting on the 2nd i austin. If you post your email adress up here i will email you the link.


Active Member

Originally posted by J_G
i guess it doesnt matter. I already bought him now have to take care of him. You saying you want me to flush him down the toilet?
Dont think so!

I don't think anyone is suggesting you flush it. But you could make an effort to find a responsible local hobbyist with a larger tank.
I was given poor advice from my LFS (prior to finding swf.com) and had a PBT in my old 55g. I gave him to someone with a 225g. Eats like a pig, grows like a weed, swims so much more freely now. For me, it was worth the $70 I spent on the fish to see it happy.


this is all your opinion,
everyone has there own views, that doesnt make ones view better than than the otheres just different.
if u put him in a 100 gal tank, that doesnt mean he will be happy.