tangs in 55


This is a question that is VERY often on this message board argued about. Most people will say NO, I would definately have to agree with those who say a tang needs a bigger tank. Most tangs are REQUIRED to have loads of swimming room. Therefore a 55 gallon is not really adequete. So I wouldn't put a yellow tang which is usually labeled on many saltwaterfish sites and aquarium pages as being able to keep it in a 55 gal aquarium. But even a yellow tang in my opinion requires a 75-90 gallon aquarium MINIMUM. So I would rethink any idea you had of putting a tang in a 55 gallon aquarium.
well i wasnt putting a yello tang in there b/c i no they need room like 150 or so and i also had my on a small clown trigger..how would that guy do?

Originally posted by Steven the Fish
The only tang that can be housed in a 55 gal would be a yellow tank and that is a minimal tank size.

yellow tang minimun tank is about 80 not 55:eek:


Active Member
BTW...I just removed a tang from my 55 because he became a terror to his tankmates. A big difference in deciding whether you can keep it alive or whether you can give it a happy,healthy, stress-free life.


I had a yellow tang in a 55 for a couple years, got him as a baby, I have since gave him to a friend with a bigger tank. I could tell he was unhappy in my tank. I have a juvi huma trigger in a 55, well actually he is a QT for now until the 55 is ready again(disease outbreak:( ) but I know he is growing fast and I'm gonna have to get a bigger tank. Oh darn, I didn't want a bigger tank:rolleyes: :D !
ok well screw the tang lol but ok on this site they sell "small clown triggers" not baby ones and it gets to be 1-2" so wouldnt i be able to handle that? BTW do they get along with percs


Active Member
They are big aggressive fish that do not get along with clownfish, though they would probably find them tasty.



Originally posted by IswimNOTchoke
yellow tang minimun tank is about 80 not 55:eek:

This can and will be disputed everytime it is brought up. Some say smallest is 75g and some say 100g. I have seen a yellow tang in a 55g that was placed in the tank when it was about 2"-3" and it has been there for 3 years and is only about 5 1/2", the 2 clowns that were placed into the tank 1 year later have out grown the tang in time ratio. The are great for notification you have a tank problem as well. IMO it is to your decsion just understand that it will out grow a 55g, a 75g and even an 80g. They can grow upto 10"


Active Member
Well, I got to the bottom of the thread and to my suprise, no one has mentioned the kole tang. They stay smaller, and don't crave the open space as much as say, a yellow. A kole should do fine in a 55 (though I can't say that from experiece), but it should have plenty of LR to graze on and hide in.
Also, I'm in total agreement about the last few posts about the clown trigger.


Actually a Cole tang grows to be about the same size, i think only an inch or two, but not sure of minumum tank for a cole would be. I did consider one at one time. Great fish for cleaning the LR and sandbed.