Tangs in a 55


Active Member
Originally Posted by DanielJameS
Ditto on the above...theres some really good points being made here.....ALL fish tanks are for human enjoyment and also to learn more about the animals....in essence, no matter the size they are an experiment for humans to learn from and understand....I'm tired of the cruelty arguments.....If you are conservative....or care about depleting the world's natural coral reefs....don't buy a fish tank....PERIOD
This isn't a great argument, a lot of us while buy aquacultured coral and try to buy aquacultured fish when possible. Doing this lessens our strain on the natural ecosystem, and if everyone would buy aquacultured coral, that strain would be next to nil.


Originally Posted by ci11337
I don't understand why people with smaller tanks, (myself included) don't just stick to smaller fish that naturally don't need a ton of space. (fairy/flasher wrasses, clowns, cardinals, gobies, etc.) I know everyone wants a big colorful, active fish, but they simply do better in bigger tanks. I recently read a acrticle that said that a 10in long fish is biologically equivalent to 10,000 1in fish. (10 x as long,tall,and wide) and no one would put 10,000 1in fish in a 55. big fish, especially active ones, are best left to those with 125's or bigger.
Well in his deffens though. Who would put 10,000 1 in fish in a 300 gallon? It can work both ways


I would say it is ok if yout have a future plan for the fish. I have a juvenile blue hippo tang probably loke an inch big. I have 2 plans on what to do
1)upgrade to a larger tank later ths year
2)sell back the tang to my LFS (make sure you confirm with them beforehand that they will take it back) when it gets to large b4 i can upgrade