Tang's suggestion!


Active Member
seems like a newbie question but i will asked it anyway
i have
5 of 2" yellow tang
5" Yellow tang
5"AND 4" purple tang
5"orange shoulder
5" powder brown tang
7" blue tang
7-8" sailfin tang
i sold and want to replace my 2 triggers and my 8- 9" yellow belly tang
with 3 small blue tang
2 more small yellow tang
a medium size clown tang
8 - 10 large cleaner shrimp and maybe another cleaner wrasse
i will have around 18 tangs i know its a too much but i have a slightly oversize skimmer and lots of space to swim
PS:my wife won't let me sell my large blue tang and sailfin tang
Too crazy?


Supposedly, clown tangs are terribly aggressive, they are also very sensitive. I would suggest leaving the clown tang out. Maybe try a sohal tang instead. IMO, it also wouldn't hurt to leave out the 2 additional yellow tangs since you already have six.


Active Member
i also had a 4 years old 12" blonde naso pair that died a while back. IMHO i think its better for naso to be in a large FOWLR system or large 10 footer soft corals reef because its a open water tang!


I love the achilles too. It is my favorite. Why doesn't your wife like the achilles? Also, have you thought about the chevron tang? I know were one is for sale for 175. I think it is 4 inches.


my fav reef fish. no reef is complete without them. i guess the purple is my personal favorite..keep them well fed and they should do fine in that big tank of yours, and go ahead and get the gem sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. especially if it's not me asking.


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