Tangs Tangs How many ?


New Member
I have a 75 gallon reef tank. I currently have one clown , 3 green chromis.
I'd like to add 2 tangs a Yellow and Purple.
Is this a wise idea? Does anyone know if they are compatable?
Any thoughts.


New Member
I have a yellow tang and a purple tang in a 135 gallon tank. I strongly suggest that you purchase them at the same time so that neither one will have an established territory when then are introduced to your tank.



Originally posted by MR . SALTY:
I have a yellow,I just added a sailfin tang and they don't seem to be getting along very well.I'll watch them and see. Tomorrow will be judjment day,somebody goes back. STEVE

You added a Sailfin!? In the 40!? Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought they get alot bigger than yellows and definatley need space. On judgement day, if it were up to me, I'd keep the yellow. Plus like I told you, there're not getting along cuz they're both zebrasoma genus!! get an acanthurus (spelling?)or paracanthrus(That's the hippo tang I believe) And wait until you upgrade to get any other fish!!
Please don't take this as me being preachy or somethin, it's just I'm trying to help.

mr . salty

Active Member
I realise it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but the special circumstances left me little or no choice. The sailfin was to be flushed down the toilet. They seem to be doing fine today.hope to have them a much larger tank by this weekend. STEVE

salt one

i just bought a yellow tang this afternoon and put i my 75 gallon reef tank with a sailfin tang that i have for over a year! i have seen no problems so far, i will keep you posted!


Mr. Salty, I now understand! Who would FLUSH such a beautiful animal as a sailfin!!? Sorry, I get enraged when it comes to that. Was this your LFS!?! You did the right thing, and since you're most likey upgrading there should be no problem at all.


Hey krazzydart, I've been meaning to work something out with you for a while about tangs, and I'll try not to stay too mad at you. WHY do you hate them?? I mean what were your bad expieriences? Obviously you must have been attracted to them initially to even give them a try. I'VE had bad expierences, and actually every tang I've ever gotten got ick. But I saved them bcuz I cared alot about them and they are the best fish ever IMO, and I have respect for all forms of life (exept mosquitos)LOL. i'm sure you know alot about fish, and I would appreciate if you would uncover the mystery about your hatred for this beautiful intelligent form of life. thanks for your time!

mr . salty

Active Member
Hey fishgirl, my sailfin came from my brother. It was the last fish he had, and wanted to switch back to fresh water.GO FIGURE.


I have a yellow and a Naso in a 72 gallon. They are getting along fine. I actually would like to add a Hippo tang once I get my Q tank up and running again.
Originally posted by Luichard:
I have a 75 gallon reef tank. I currently have one clown , 3 green chromis.
I'd like to add 2 tangs a Yellow and Purple.
Is this a wise idea? Does anyone know if they are compatable?
Any thoughts.

salt one

its been about 2 weeks and they are getting along great! it took them at least 2 days to figure who was going to rule the tank, and now act like friends! but the stress did make my sailfin break out with a parasite. but i got that cured...

mr . salty

Active Member
I also have a sailfin and a yellow. my yellow is the boss, and he also got ick, Probably also from stress. Who,s the boss in your tank? STEVE


New Member
I'd love to hear how adding a new hippo to an established Naso goes. I am thinking of doing the same thing. My hippo is in his own tank right now.
I have a Naso about 4", that was pretty shy and I didn't get to see often enough. A week ago I added a threadfin butterfly to that tank from another one. It was love at first site! The Naso sails along side by side with the butterfly all day. They eat together and are absolute best friends.


I have a yellow,a purple and a red sea sailfin in a 125 and they don't fight all the time.The yellow and the sailfin square off once in awhile then both back down.


3 inch tennent, 2.5 inch powdered blue, 2 inch sailfin and 2x's 4 inch yellow tang
The tennent just follow the powered blue EVERYWHERE!!! the powdered blue just butts up to the tennet only when they crash into each other...never more then couple of secs do they "dance"
All are very happy in a 300g


Active Member
WOW, who knew that the archives went back 5 years. It is good to know that SWF has been around that long.
Since I am not that worried about hijacking a 5 year old thread, Madison you have a 300 now? You know you must post pictures.