Tangs Tangs Tangs


I have a 150g fowlr, w/ a good filter set up, Im wanting to get several tangs. Below is the list of tangs I would like to get
Blue Hippo
Power Blue
Im wondering if thats to many, I think it is a little high, but I did oversize my fliters to handle the bio load, but Im still concerned with well being of the fish. If all 5 wont due well or wont "play well with other" what combination will work.


Active Member
IMO the Naso is too hyper and active and need more room plus grow too large for a 150g. The Achillis and Powder may not like each other much.


Originally Posted by Dogstar
IMO the Naso is too hyper and active and need more room plus grow too large for a 150g. The Achillis and Powder may not like each other much.

So, scratch the Naso and either the Powder or Achillis. If I do that could I add 2 hippos, then once they get bigger sell two of the three, I've read that schooling hippos helps their health but once they get bigger they will fight.


Active Member
idk about the naso, but i say do it!!!!!!!
all my fish get along, but last week i had to get rid of a small yellow goby that was beating the crap out of my sailfin tang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes i know, hard to believe....... just depends on the fish sometimes


New Member
Originally Posted by djevack
I have a 150g fowlr, w/ a good filter set up, Im wanting to get several tangs. Below is the list of tangs I would like to get
Blue Hippo
Power Blue
Im wondering if thats to many, I think it is a little high, but I did oversize my fliters to handle the bio load, but Im still concerned with well being of the fish. If all 5 wont due well or wont "play well with other" what combination will work.
have a question for you.why do the tangs flutter theirs tails together?seems to me that it means the like each other but not to sure because im pretty new at this.

bang guy

Originally Posted by djevack
I have a 150g fowlr, w/ a good filter set up, Im wanting to get several tangs.
I'd recommend just the Yellow. At most just the Yellow and Hippo. Anything more and it has a low probability of success. Tangs DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER
Having multiple Tangs is stressful for all of them. Stress in Tangs supresses their immune system and you'll also get unusual behavior. They require a lot of space.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I'd recommend just the Yellow. At most just the Yellow and Hippo. Anything more and it has a low probability of success. Tangs DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER
Having multiple Tangs is stressful for all of them. Stress in Tangs supresses their immune system and you'll also get unusual behavior. They require a lot of space.

what about the yellow and the powder blue? Or Just 3 Blue hippos, and as they grow sell them.


If they are flashing/hitting each other with their tail fins, this is a bad thing. They are called surgeon fish for a reason . . .


Originally Posted by djevack
what about the yellow and the powder blue? Or Just 3 Blue hippos, and as they grow sell them.
i don't know how many fish you've had to sell in the past, but if you buy 3 blues, and have to sell them later on, chances are you'll be heartbroken. You become quite attached to these guys, and having to depart with them will just be really saddening... i strongly suggest not to do this.


OK, what about, 1 yellow, 1 blue hippo, 1 powder blue. Get the powder blue last and smaller then the hippo, if i start to notice problems with fighting return the hippo, or powder to the LFS for another fish (not a tang)
- Ive read if the tangs are of different genius there wont be as much problems. I also need to move my tank to a different part of the house this winter. If i bought the Blue Hippo and powder at the same size, (i already have the yellow) and i introduce the tank to all of my fish at the same time would this help greatly. I could trade my yellow now back to the LFs and get all new tangs of same size at the same time.


I have this mix, a yellow, kole, and hippo. All are tiny and school together. I just got the hippo today, he's the smallest. They are all so peaceful towards each other!


you shouldn't add so many fish at the same time...
If you're worried about the current fish having existing territories, then just move around the decor just before you introduce the new fish... make it look completely different. That way, both fish will have to establish new territories at the same time.


and luv, all fish are peaceful as juveniles... even damsels... wait til they get older, and keep a good eye on them.


jem3, stang hit the nail on the head for you!! Tangs have little "knives" at the base of their tails which they'll use to fight or defend themselves. If you see any tang fluttering or flashing it's tail at something in your tank it's a fight! My yellow tang and neon damsel are best buddies and often school together. But every once in awhile if the neon bugs the tang the tang will turn tail towards him and back up towards him threateningly.


THAT'S WHAT THOSE ARE!!! I finally saw a large tang the other day, and i saw a white barb sticking toward it's face from it's tail... i was like what in the world is that??? It looked like the LFS like pierced it's tail...lol!


Yeppers, that's what those are and why they're also named surgeonfish!! I know on yellow tangs their "scalpels" look like a little white diamond shape just at the base of their tail on either side.


I just love my Naso, but he is the only tang in my tank. He kisses the glass and leaves these lip prints. So cute. He hangs out with the other fish in my tank and I think he is having an affair with my cleaner shrimp. LOL :hilarious