Tangs Tangs Tangs



you know, i've heard a LOT about good relationships with tangs and cleaner shrimp...


Originally Posted by jdragunas
you shouldn't add so many fish at the same time...
If you're worried about the current fish having existing territories, then just move around the decor just before you introduce the new fish... make it look completely different. That way, both fish will have to establish new territories at the same time.

Hi there I'm so glad I found this place
I have a 75 gallon tank with live rock and just a few fish now. I went througha
a lot of changes because of someone not putting the right equipment
on but now I'm all set. I'm taking it slow adding new fish. I have so
far : blue tang
flame hawk
mauroon clownfish
blue damsel
Is this a bad combination. I will take out the damsel out but love the tang.
Also, is there a way to quiet the pre filter a bit? I have a towel on it
now to muffle the gurgling but I was wondering if something else could
be put on it to soften the noise. I'm almost used to it but thanks in advance
for any help. I'm very new but the tank is getting well established.
Water is testing wonderully now. I'm learning so much here.