

i still have it (for now) he has ich and is slowly declining, still eating very well and very active but im afraid the ich is going to get the best of him, cleaner shrimp kept him clean for quite some time but the tang hasnt been going in the shrimps cave lately and has looked worse day by day, just a matter of time till he dies im sure. havent seen any on the naso (yet)


Active Member
Originally Posted by gordruls

i dont know....but does this guy look like he has hlle? or maybe my eyes are just bad....


Active Member
I don't really see the typical lateral line in this shot. If you are concerned be sure you feed some foods soaked in vitamins, zoecon, or vit c. should help him


Active Member
He kinda looks that way to me, but I thought I was the only one. Also, his fins looked like he just got beat up by someone. I would personally get this fish on a very high vitamin C diet, to get rid of the white around his face and help his fins grow back. Ways to do this would be by using VitaChem, Zoe, and Selcon on foods.


Active Member
to be honest it does look like it could be the beginning stage of HLLE or older scars of it IMO .did he have those when you purchased the fish or was this something that has developed as time progressed .increasing or decreasing.what type of diet is he being fed any suppliments ect.remember HLLE stands for Head &Lateral Line Erroision its the symptoms can start in the head and more advanced cases work its way to the lateral line