tangs vs angels vs butterflies



ive heard alot about how bad it is to keep 2 fish of similar species together...i was wondering if anyone had any problems with putting tangs, angels,and butterflies together??? (ie:raccoon butterfly, red striped angelm and blue tang)...thanks for the advise


I have three tangs and two angels. Angels fight a little bit with each other, but it is nothing major. My yellow tang is the boss in my tank, so he sometimes bullies my naso who is lot bigger, and a baby regal. The yellow is very territorial, and he thinks that every cave is his, so he tries to intimidate the naso, but he does no harm. Once they are outside of the lr, they are best buddies.


Active Member
Depends....not familiar w/ red stripped angel....For them to get along, you would need at least a 125g. Put racoon, then blue tang(hippo?), then angel(I think...is this a large angel?).
If you only have the 55 you will need to pass on all these fish. They simply are too big for your tank even if housed alone.
If you want a tang in a 55, go w/ a YT or Kole. You can also add a dwarf angel but tank would have to be established for 5-6 months before adding and it s/b added before the tang. I know a dilema. Good luck. Perhaps you could give us more info. on that angel.