

New Member
i have ayellow yang and im interested in a purple tang(red sea)would these two fish have problems..also im going to add other tangs also..would that be a big territorial problem?


From my understanding purple tangs can be pretty aggressive. I have a yellow tang and a naso tang and they get along great


tangs can be mixed but there will always be some risks involved as the all have varing degrees of aggression. the larger the tank with many rock caves helps. also the order you add them in is suppose to help( least aggressive go in first). i have a yellow, purple, naso and clown tangs in a 175g and they do chase and display every now and then but no one gets hurt or overly aggressive.


Well-Known Member
you could have problems. From what I hear they need to be added at about the same time so they become buddies. So take the yellow out rearrange the rocks and wait for sever hours. Then add both back in.
What will probably happen is that one or the other will be much bigger than the other. The smaller one will be bullied to death.
I have also heard the adding like 5 at the same time forms a school. Of course you need a much larger tank for that. But with 5 the pecking order is established to where each fish is between two fish of similiar size. with 2-3 the size differences in the pecking order are much larger and the smaller loses.


Active Member
It's kinda hard to say. It could go fine or be ugly. The PT is very aggressive and the YT is also aggressive but not as bad. IMO, I would pass.


Active Member
They are from the same family and will definately fight to the death. Would highly recommend against it.


i have a purple and a yellow in my 90 for over a year no problems.they fought the first few days but everything has been fine since