

Has Anyone Ever Put 2 Tangs Together? My Pet Shoppe Says I Shouldnt Do It...... Im Wanting A Blue Hippo And A Yellow Tang In A 45 Gal


I have 3 tangs in a 72 gallon eventually they will have to be moved to a bigger tank i have a scopas a sailfin and a naso. If you were to try it it is best to put 2 that dont have the same body shape you might be ok w/ those 2


it is best to do it at the same time but i didnt :0 just make sure you have some time to monitor they're behavior once you put them in


they might kill each other or stress each other out to the point where they wont eat my tangs do good though :) ill get the pics of 2 of my tangs the naso i just got yesterday but everyone leaves him alone .. also have a clarkii clown and a maroon clown together


Cool Im Wanting To Put In 2 Clownfish, Cardinal Fish , Tangs , Starfish, Shrimp, And Maybe A Wrasse .


Active Member
Originally Posted by new-guy
Has Anyone Ever Put 2 Tangs Together? My Pet Shoppe Says I Shouldnt Do It...... Im Wanting A Blue Hippo And A Yellow Tang In A 45 Gal
WAY to small of a tank for any tangs. DO you want to stress them out? Give them a break to swim around.. Blues and Yellows grow very quickly..


i have a scopas tang ,a naso tang , a sailfin tang, 2 yellowtail damsels, a cardinal, a maroon clown and a clarki clown eventually they will go into a bigger tank, have to do water changes twice a week to keep everything good
in corals i have a colt coral, lobo brain, weso brain, finger leather, birds nest, acorpora, 2 sun corals, zoo's, 2 candy cane corals and a few others
inverts i have pencil urchin, camelback shrimp, coral banded shrimp, serpant starfish, and of course my hermits and snails
im sure i missed something