

EVERYBODY is UPGRADING,, sooner or later... lol
lol yup its addicting i woulda been better off w a gambling problem...lol


i know im overloaded thats why my water changes are very crucial nobody is too big yet but they will be soon :)


because your tangs get so big you will be limited :) take the tangs out of the equation and the others would be fine


i would def put both tangs together, they should be ok, if not a yellow and kole tang will be happy together lol dont listen to anyone who tells you, you cant do it, as long as you take care of the water the tangs dont complain;) i had a kole tang in my 55 gallon, and i thought she had way to much room, so yea 45gallons is great!;)


Active Member
It is not a good long term plan, and very few people actually do trade fish in when too large. So you have a decision to make. Do what you want, and not particularly care about the fish, or about success (since there is risk involved), or about whether you will lose the fish to disease....or decide on a sustainable long term stocking list for your tank. I've seen and worked with both kinds of people, and to each their own.
Invariably, people will say "oh yeah, I did it and it was great" and they ignore the fact that a lot of people have experience to the contrary. I have a lot of experience with tangs, and I would say while it might work short term, it will not be a long term option...and the potential for losing the fish and perhaps ALL your fish is a reality.
So you decide. Ultimately, it is up to you, but remember many have failed rather dramatically and the fish pay the price. It is NOT the best choice for those fish long term. Of course, it is "not the ocean" but if that is your rational, then I suspect you wouldn't be asking at all.
People don't say no to rain on your parade, people are actually trying to help you succeed, and select fish that are likely to survive long term and thrive in your size tank. Sometimes that means having the discipline to know you shouldn't keep certain fish.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ClownRico
i would def put both tangs together, they should be ok, if not a yellow and kole tang will be happy together lol dont listen to anyone who tells you, you cant do it, as long as you take care of the water the tangs dont complain;) i had a kole tang in my 55 gallon, and i thought she had way to much room, so yea 45gallons is great!;)
Honestly, this is really bad advice
. 1 tang won't survive long in a 45 gallon, let alone 2. If you're putting together a 200 gallon tank just be patient and wait.
Tangs need swimming room and you certainly won't have that in a 45. Here's a point of reference; blue hippo tangs get to be 12 inches long. This is 1/4 of the length of a standard 55g (I don't know how long a 45 gallon is, but it certainly isn't a 4 foot tank like a 55). This means that if the fish is full grown, it won't even have to move much to be at the other end of the tank, plus the trouble it would have turning. They're open ocean swimmers, and to be healthy they need to swim and swim all day long.
Not only that, but yellow tangs get territorial when they're confined to smaller spaces and it could lash out at the other tang, whatever the particular type is.
Anyway, I really hope you won't be doing this.


actually i think he just gave you BAD ADVICE he cleary has no idea what hes talking about, first of all tangs are very individual, my tang instead of swimming in the entire tank choose to swim in front of my powerhead, channeling the oceans current, secondly, tangs never reach full size when kept in any size tank, they only do that in the OCEAN so dont pretend that a fish inside a fish tank no matter the size will reach full potential. Bottom line its inside of a tank, tanks dont go on for miles like the ocean, so when it reaches the end of the so called "200gallons, dont u think it gets stressed because it has noo where else to go but back, vs swimming in endless amounts of water, TANG POLICE WILL NEVER WIN. i think you should take care of them well, inside the 45gallon, then when ur ready upgrade:)


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownRico
actually i think he just gave you BAD ADVICE he cleary has no idea what hes talking about, first of all tangs are very individual, my tang instead of swimming in the entire tank choose to swim in front of my powerhead, channeling the oceans current, secondly, tangs never reach full size when kept in any size tank, they only do that in the OCEAN so dont pretend that a fish inside a fish tank no matter the size will reach full potential. Bottom line its inside of a tank, tanks dont go on for miles like the ocean, so when it reaches the end of the so called "200gallons, dont u think it gets stressed because it has noo where else to go but back, vs swimming in endless amounts of water, TANG POLICE WILL NEVER WIN. i think you should take care of them well, inside the 45gallon, then when ur ready upgrade:)
I'm sad for your fish if this is your attitude. Would you keep a huge dog pinned up in a tiny space all the time without space to roam and or walks. Fish need the same care.


we dont have dogs in fish tanks, im sorry you dont like what i said but, i dont agree with you, you do what you want with your fish, and i do what i want, dont be mad because we dont follow ur tang rules! haha there not real.. my fish always were in the best care!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownRico
tangs never reach full size when kept in any size tank...
Because they are stressed, too confined, and not fed properly.
In larger tanks Tangs do grow quite big...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownRico
actually i think he just gave you BAD ADVICE he cleary has no idea what hes talking about, first of all tangs are very individual, my tang instead of swimming in the entire tank choose to swim in front of my powerhead, channeling the oceans current, secondly, tangs never reach full size when kept in any size tank, they only do that in the OCEAN so dont pretend that a fish inside a fish tank no matter the size will reach full potential. Bottom line its inside of a tank, tanks dont go on for miles like the ocean, so when it reaches the end of the so called "200gallons, dont u think it gets stressed because it has noo where else to go but back, vs swimming in endless amounts of water, TANG POLICE WILL NEVER WIN. i think you should take care of them well, inside the 45gallon, then when ur ready upgrade:)
Something to consider, when I noted the full size of the blue hippo, this was based on full size in the home aquarium setting. Full size of any fish out in the ocean is usually a few inches more. Yes, tangs are individual, but the statements that I, and many others, make about them is based on a consensus opinion from the majority of cases. I wasn't (and still don't consider myself to be) a member of the "tang police", but I've seen, experienced, and researched enough to come to the same conclusions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by burch2006
jeez... I really like this MB, but are you sure most of you are not PETA members?
You don't have to be a member of a fanatic group to care about the well being of animals in this hobby.


well MONK if your going to give advice to people who are very new at the hobby then you need to more specific!, we dont know what you mean, and if u cant do that, then i dont think your advice, is necessary. The several other people like me who have raised healthy great tangs in smaller tanks have an opinion also, and have seen it done without all of the ridiculous side effects that will happen!, and its time you come out and be a proud tang police member. its ok, im sure theyll accept you.