


If all goes well, this summer I will be getting a 240 (8'x2'x2') and am for sure getting a tang or two. Here is the intended stocklist:
Porky Puffer
Maybe Stars n Stripes Puffer
Fimbriated Eel
Javanese Damsel
3-4 Srgt. Majors
Large Angel i.e. X-Mas Island Emporer, Blueface, etc.
Here is my main question, I have already got a small Sailfin Tang in my 125 along with my Pinfish, Puffer, eels, and Damsel. I am wanting to get some more tangs and am questioning compatability. If I were to add my Sailfin and another Zebrasoma sp.
at the same time would I be ok? Then, would I be able to put in a Sohal Tang? Even if the Sohal was large? I'm not very good with tangs so thanks for any help!


Active Member
You can put a lot more in a 300 gallon if you going to add tangs is good to add them all at once so the aggression wouldn't be to high. I never own a Sohal tang but I heard they are pretty aggressive once they get older because they get very territorial. You can put a few yellow's or hippo's in there.


Ya, the Sohal is supposed to be a mean fish... Do you think it would work if I added the Zebrasoma sp. first then the larger, meaner Acanthurus sp.? Is having a Sailfin, 3 Yellows, an Orange Shoulder and the Sohal too much or would it be better to do a whole variety of tangs? Thanks for the help!


Active Member
Yellow's can be in schools you can add them later assuming none of them will get too aggressive. Sometimes the aggression won't stop and sometimes it will go away but by add more fish it might lower it down. I like variety of tangs and other fishes I usually mix a few angels and tangs together and some small school of fish.


Active Member
IME, it doesn't matter when you add the Sohal, or how small he is, he will be the dominant fish in the system very quickly....I added my Sohal to my 240 last, he was 3 or so inches, kind of skinny and beat up, and within a day he "beat up" my large Sunset Wrasse and everybody in the tank feared him. He is now the biggest fish in the tank (i.e. he has grown 4 inches in about 9 months) and gets along well with everybody as long as they understand he is in charge.....Long story short, get all the other Tangs established then add the Sohal and hope for the best.
This is one of my favorite descriptions of this fish, it comes from one of the online dealers.
"Wide berth should be given to this Red Sea inhabitant as it’s aggression extends from the Tangs to Parrotfishes, Triggerfishes and whatever else it may feel particularly displeased with. Plenty of space will give the aquarium inhabitants places to swim and hide away from this belligerent beauty. The Sohal Tang is best kept as the only tang (and possibly only large) species in your fish only or reef aquarium."
In other words, "buyer beware"
I know of several people that keep them successfully with other Tangs though.


Ok, thanks for the tips! Here is the new and improved plan:
Sailfin and Yellows go in at exact same time. Then, the larger, meaner Orange-Shoulder will go in and shortly after as the last fish the Sohal!
This brings the stock list to:
Porky Puffer
Javanese Damsel
3 or 5 Srgt. Majors
Sailfin Tang
3 Yellow Tangs
Orange-Shoulder Tang
Sohal Tang
Large Angel
Too much? I plan on running, I think it's the ASMG4 (whatever it is for the 240g...) skimmer to help along with 150lbs. of LR and 200lbs. of LS... Thanks for the help!


Active Member
IMO, it is a lot. Now that is personal preference. A 240 is a big tank, yes, but it is not a HUGE tank. Full grown srgt majors, for example, are actually pretty sizable and not necessarily pleasant. I think maybe you can get by, but I personally - in the event I get a 240 soon, ha ha ha ha!! (won't be, sniff) - would not go with quite so much.
Having said that, a sohal tang is one of the few fish I have ever been afraid of, and it is not out of the question that it will try to slash at YOU when cleaning, etc.


forget the damsels.. too aggressive and a pan in the
but to remove when you decide they aren't worth the trouble


Yeah, I am aware that it is probably alot... One quick thing here: Is having a Pinfish (10"), Porky Puffer (~6"), Gulf Toadfish (at one point)(9.5"), SFE (~2'), Fimby (~2'), Sailfin Tang (4") and Javanese Damsel (4") all in a 125 considered alot? And regarding being slashed, by me being mindful and hopefully getting elbow-length gloves, the odds of this occuring will hopefully go down... It does alert me though... Thanks for the tip!
And the damsels, they were just to throw in some extra color and movement... They are not a must. The only one is the Javanese which I already have and has actually been quite pleasant. Maybe it's because it is 4" and is surrounded by fish that are approaching 10 and two 2'+ eels (minus the tang though...)...


I think your wish list is fine and that order should work fine. It is not too many fish by my standards but I have around 17 in my 150g. I would add an algae scrubber to go along with your skimmer though. Will really help remove some of the crap in your water.


Excellent!! My plan is to use an *edit: I'm still deciding on a skimmer so... It's between Octopus, ASM, AquaC, and TurboFlotor... Opinions?* and also I am going to run a 30g PACKED refugium with LR, RDSB, and tons of Macro and Mangroves... Think that will work? If not, I think I have enough room in my plans to install an algae scrubber... Thanks for the help!