

I have a three inch yellow tang. I want to buy another tang (purple, hippo or blue).Will they get along? The new fish will be smaller. I have heard that tangs have to be in numbers of 1, 3, or 5 or more, will this be the case here? Will I have to buy two tangs?


I've got a 90 gallon. Oh I forgot, will it co-exist with my jerk domino? If not then what? Small trigger, lion eel?


i have all sorts of tangs in my tank, Yes, they are territorial, but after awhile they are all getting along. remember that tangs get big, and like to swim. the more room the merrier. :)

sinner's girl

how long is your tank? length is more important than depth.


Over the years I have had 2 tangs in a tank at one time and they were fine.The only time there is a problem is if they look alike. Now I have a sailfin and a purple. I've had a sailfin with a blue, a blue with a yellow, a yellow with a sailfin, you get the idea.


I gotta agree..and have experience against the "two" tangs thing. I had a blue hippo (5") and an Achilees (5") that got along together about 3yrs. They never had 1 incident - pretty much just kept to themselves. The blue hippo popped in and out of the rock, while the Achilees stayed out in the open swiming back and forth like he was on crack.
What i've heard about the tangs, more than some sequence of numbers, is keep them of different body shapes. And if one is more agressive than the other (ex, yellows tend to be a more aggressive tang than the much dosile hippo) - it's best (if possible) to put the MOST DOSILE one in first to give him time to estabish a territory and comfort level AND IF POSSIBLE, make the more dosile one LARGER in size.
I've had 1 tang, added another (2) and had no probs. I've seen others with 3 VERY often. Just keep in mind, they will eat/need similar food sources. Don't make them have to fight for a low supply. Keep the peace :)
Good luck to ya. Aren't Tangs great?? :)


Your "Jerk Domino" may just get ripped a new one. Litterally... I certainly wouldn't worry about the tang. If anything, the Domino is the one in danger, though he may learn to leave the tang alone after he loses an eye or gets a nice sized gash in the side.


We have a tang problem currently...due to the adoption of a purple tang with HLLE that we're trying to cure. The problem is the Yellow Tang in one tank, and the Scopus in another. Neither of them would tolerate the purple joining them, and I mean they made that clear violently. We have a blue hippo in with the yellow, and they do fine together. Heres our experience so far:
Yellow & Scopus - No way.
Yellow and Purple - No way.
Scopus and Purple - No way.
Hippo and Yellow - No problem.
Hippo and Scopus - No problem.
Hippo and Purple - Little aggravation by the hippo (he was in there first) but they coexist peacefully most of the time.
Hope this helps!