Tank 4 Sale Jacksonville, FL


I am looking in to selling my 125 gallon RR tank. I would love to try to sell the tank all together currently it is stocked with the following items:
Yellow Tang
Mandarin Dragonet
Maroon Clownfish + Anemone
Percula Clown
Green Brittle Star
Black Urchin
Cleaner Shrimp
Xenia Colony
Mushroom Blue
Zoo Green
Green Star Polyp
Zoo Green/Blue
Green Mushroom Cups
250+ lbs of live rock and
50 lbs of live sand
100 lbs of sand
Lighting is power compacts 96 watts
External pump
I would love to sell the tank. looking for 2750.00.
Please feel free on contacting me and i will try to provide details.

roll tide

Would you be interested in selling some corals? I'm in SC just over the line from Savanah GA. About 3 1/2 hrs from Jax.


Here are some basic pic's if you like more let me know. Please provide offer on purchase of my tank...



I'm not sure on the brand of skimmer i am using. Maybe if SSweet see's this posting she can give us some insite on the brand. It has been a great skimmer...


Active Member
Originally Posted by tchrisp
I'm not sure on the brand of skimmer i am using. Maybe if SSweet see's this posting she can give us some insite on the brand. It has been a great skimmer...
Just let me know when you find out...thanks! :happyfish


It is a recirculating (modded) turbofloat 1000 and is overated for the tank, it works as well as my ASM, in fact I wanted to buy it back but he was using it! This tank has the rounded corner overflows and the circulation is incredible for SPS etc. I never needed any additional powerheads with this tank. Very easy to change the lighting back to 3 halides and 2 vho's for those who want the SPS and clams, the canopy can easily accomodate them as that is what I used to have in there. It has 3 fans built into it.