tank additions


New Member
I have an 80 gallon with a niger trigger and a yellow wrasse and would like to add another trigger or something different. I don't want a lion fish as the one I previously had quit eating and eventually died. Not fun. Anyway if you have any suggestions on something that will also live in the tank and take care of some of the red algae that wouldn't be a bad thing either


Active Member
Not too many fish like to eat cyano, in fact, pretty much none do. Maybe like a puffer fish, or a flame angel, but no other tirggers, There doesnt seem to be a lot of room, and u couldnt house them both for life, cuz they get very large. Maybe an eel? Or a toadfish, or an angler, or a scorpionfish would even be nice, like a leaf fish. They are cool, and not quite like lions, but still in the same family pretty much.


Active Member
a good fish for eating algae is a Scat, they are usually sold as brackish fish but can be acclimated to marine, mine is pretty big and can hold his own too.


New Member
Thanks for the thoughts. When you suggest acclimating a Scatt, should it be done in the way they suggest on this web site? Genneraly when I purchase from a store, I acclimate in the tank slowly introducing tank water to the bag. Usually 30 -60 minutes depending on the fish.


Active Member
First, not 100% sure they'll eat cyano blooms, such as you have. I think it's much better to check the disease forum and figure out why you have the cyano. It is much easier to deal with the cause rather than dealing with the results.
There are several ways to control cyano blooms. They include less light time, feeding less, and the one the worked the most for me, add a few powerheads in the tank to create more water flow. More current and water flow will prevent algae from being able to grow.
But if you still get a Scat, acclimating to marine water is harder. You need to raise the salinity level by .001 an hour. So it takes about a day to fully acclimate him to a marine environment. You do this by setting up a drip system from a marine system to the brackish holding tank. Can you acclimate faster than that, yes, I have before, but why risk it.