Tank after Antired Treatment Questions


I was having problems with Red Slime. Come to find out, my youngest son was feeding the tank with pellets while I was out of town. This was about 2 weeks ago. He opened the lid and a bunch (as he discribed it) came out in the tank. It went in the front left hand coroner. The wife said the Fire Shrimp needed more hands to carry the food. I found out about this after red Slime started in this area. I treated with Antired and the problem is gone. I sucked out all the slime I could find. But some of my zoo's and the Xenia is not opening up all the way. I have done a 20% water change 24 hours after treatment and have another 20% water on hand in case I need it. My parameters are as follows.
PH 8.1
Temp 78
Salt 32ppt
NO2 0.0
NO3 0.0
Phosphate 0.1
CA 450
NH 0.1 (My Red Sea always reads this level as 0.0)
ALK 270
Has any had this happen after Antired treatment?
Everything else looks good in the tank. Thanks


The same as now. I'm wondering if its just from the Antired? One thing is for sure. NO MORE chemical treatment. Everything does look a little better tonight. This is a 29 gallon BioCube. I'm adding a Sapphire skimmer this week. Maybe that will help also.


anti red and chemi clean those types of cleaners arent made to change the tank readings they are made to kill the bacteria thats causes the cyno bacteria so no change in the tank is a good thing.
I will say that you have the right outlook no chemicals I have a if I cant test for it I dont add it to the tank. that way I cant overdose or cause more problems. I have nuked a tank with a few of these chemicals before.
The best thing for cyno is increased flow in the infected area and a good skimmer going. Since you are getting a skimmer I think you are going to be in good shape. Just watch the skimmer once you get it going it may go nuts for awhile.