tank background


New Member
Would like to know what works best to paint the back of a new corner tank. would like a blue color. Any suggestins?


Look back in craft department at like a walmart Or a JoAnns fabric store or a Micheals they have all kinds of paint for glass you can even get a kit that you can do the stain glass look (dont know if youd want that for an aquarium) but they have some where you can peel it back off when your sick of looking at it or need a change of scenery.


ive got the plastic background on my tank and i just used vegetable oil to stick it on it looks pretty good and its bright only problem i have was the side edges so i used alittle doublestick tape cant even tell its there


For my 55 gal I bought a shower curtain. Looks exactly like the paper you can by at the store for asmall fortune and I can get at least two of them out of it for practically nothing. It has a real nice underwater seen on it the bottom has all kinds coral and fish then it has the blue above that that gets lighter and lighter with all different kinds of fish swimming around. so I can either use the coral part or the blue witht he swimming fish. i just cut it to size. Hey it worked it was cheaper and you cant tell.
Just wondering if anybody has tried to paint the back of the tank. I know that sometimes while working with the back of the tank I do get a little bit of water on the back...with this make the paint run? Thanks.


Painting should only be done BEFORE there is water in. Paint is toxic so any airborn chemicals or drips could wipe you out.


one of my tanks i bought used and they painted the back of it. it is now peeling and looking like crap. I would not paint it, use a background if you want but i would not bother with painting it.


I use a plain blue backround. It looks good and doesn't take your eyes of the fish. :p Our's is kind of shiny, too.
Thanks for all of the advise. I currently have a plastic background on my tank. My boyfirend would like a blue shade, but we cant find the right color. I dont think a solid color would look right since I do not ever take the alge off the back of the tank. I think I will just leave it how it is. I was just looking for something different. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


I have a paper background on the back that I got from my LFS. It was pricey, like $2 a foot, but it looks great. It's dark blue at the bottom, and gets lighter as you go higher. I used vaseline to stick it on the back, and it works great. Vaseline takes FOREVER to dry out, so I'm not worried about it falling off.
I would not paint the back if it's set up already. Too great a risk for airborne toxins to find there way into your tank/sump.