tank big enough?


i am getting mixed opinions on whether or not my 30 gal is going big enough for my puffer when he is full grown...he really does not swim around that much... he is kind of a lazy fish...lol...help please!!!!! he is only about 3 inches right now.


The dogface will never be happy in a 30 gallon tank at full size, they need atleast a 55 gallon when they are full grown, you should have done your reaserch first. Not to come on to strong, but you know ;)


i think you will be fine with a 30 gal.. TREBLE why are you so against the 30.. chill out... different strokes.. different folks.. go take a prozac


i do agree somewhat.. of course the puffer will grow that big, but we are talking about a year or two.. right now i believe she is asking for a fix to a temp. solution.. she's just starting with the tank and planning to upgrade as she goes. just asking will he be ok as a juvy in a 30 gal.. sorry for the mis-communication.


bigred thanks for giving an honest answer without being rude... i really appriciate it! i am planning on a bigger tank do you think a 55 will be big enough because someone else said that i would need a 90 gal...i guess i should have said i was getting a bigger tank before people started jumping on me like i was some idiot... i am here to learn not be treated like a child <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> sorry for any misunderstanding <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


Active Member
i'd go for the 90 gallon, and make sure to go for hte 90 in the near future, b/c often we do not do this and or don't do it in time, even though we do start off wiht good intenions(it does not always happen like we plan)
and sorry but i found nothing wrong with treble's approaccccch(maybe he edited it), but it seems clear and unbashing to me, but hen again sometimes we all read things differntly too
sorry, and i am not trying ot start anything, i just probaly read it differently than some of you may have, and in additon to that, as kris put it earlier many of us do not sugar coat too heavily and this is not out of rudeness, but often that if we do, often the point does get overlooked, or at least gets covered by too mcuh coatinga nd is not clear enough for others ;)