Tank bowed...

First time on the boards. Hello :)
I just purchased and setup a 200 gallon salt tank. Oceanic to be exact.
Problem: Center glass brace over the center top of the tank came off.
Symptom: Filled and running the tank bows 3/8 of an inch on both sides at the top, in the center of the tank.
Question: Is this a problem? Is it absolutely necessary that the center glass brace be connected to the tank? Can a steel brace be used in it's place.
Any feedback on this would be great.


For sure the stress will crack it. I would remove all the water and install a proper brace, steel would work. Ya know you always here even about unlevel stands causing tanks to crack, from stress on the glass.


I agree. I just have a small 46gal bowfront and even when I laid it on the floor to put the blue backing on you could see that bar flex bigtime. And that ws just the weight of the glass. It's diffently there for a reason.
I have a guy building a custom canopy for the tank and I would really like to avoid having that glass cross brace in the way of the lights from the canopy.
We plan on using a 1" wide metal cross brace that will go from outside edge to outside edge in the middle of the tank.
Has anyone ever seen or heard of a work around like this for that cross piece?
Does it sound reasonable.
I've searched every fish tank forum on the net and spoke to three aquarium dealers and I cant get any kind of straight answer :)


I'm not sure I understand your aversion to the cross-brace, particularly since you're risking catastrophy without it?
It won't block much light. I have a brace on my tank, that's about 2" wide and you honestly can't tell it's there looking up through the water at the lights.
If you do design your own, I'd go with plastic. If you use metal, try to get it coated in plastic. You probably know that salt water corrodes metal and the metal may leach unwanted minerals back into your tank .
The reason I am against the glass cross brace is because of the residue that builds up on it and the fact that I don't want any glass covering on the tank.
The custom canopy being built will suspend 8 lights in two rows about 8" above the surface of the water.
We plan on polyurethan (sp) coating the braces and all metal screws that go into the design to prevent corrosion.
Does this design hold merit or am I just asking for 200 gallons of saltwater in my living room?


At my lfs they have a 400 gallon w/ a metal brace and it's not even coated. It looks pretty rusty but it's held for 20 years!!
What size is the metal brace?
Is there just one?
Where was is setup on the tank? Dead-center?
Please let me know so I can tell my Fiance to relax :)


It's a solid piece of steel approximately 2" wide x 3/4" thick in the center of the tank. It was placed their to correct o bow which caused the tank to crack on the bottom. The crack was fixed & the brace added. It's shaped like a long "c".
Just as a follow up, I was able to get 2 braces bent to square the tank again. I just added felt to the insides of the down bends and slid it from each side to the outside points of where the glass cross brace would have been. They do not obscure any lighting, nor do they dim the center of the tank like the glass cross brace does.
Will post more pictures of the custom canopy that will show the finished look with the cross braces as soon as they are available.
Thanks for the help everyone.



Active Member

Originally posted by CJPASKE
For sure the stress will crack it. I would remove all the water and install a proper brace, steel would work. Ya know you always here even about unlevel stands causing tanks to crack, from stress on the glass.

Why risk it, i have heard of numerous horror storries but it is one of those games that u can't afford to lose.
Risk it? What is the risk now? The tank is perfectly square and the support is now on the outside of the tank instead of the inside. The force of water on the glass is now going against steel instead of a weak silcon bond.
Am I deranged or am I missing something?


Active Member
Okay, this won't really help you out or anything, but can you please post a pic of your tank, like a whole-tank shot. From the looks of it, it looks great, but I just love seeing whole-tank shots.
PS As to whether you are deranged or missing something, I might not say "Yes" if I'm busy looking at tank pics...:rolleyes: Seriously, though, it seems to me that your tank should be fine now.
These are current to the minute :) I am in the garage finishing the canopy right now. More pics to come of the completed rig.



Tank looks great! I think the bracing will work well, you should not have any problems. Hey be sure to post the pics on the canopy,I'd like to see it when your done.


I think the problems you will have will be in the future when the metal rusts and leaches into the tank, I do agree the metal should be coated, but the solution to your problem is fine for now. watch the inverts they will be the first to react to the metals


looks good. You can coat the metal with a plastic poly that they sell at Home Depot. Just put a thin or thick coat over the entire piece and get these people off your back about leaking metals into the tank.
How long is the tank?
They were triple coated with polyurethan before they were ever put on the tank :)
I will definitely post the pics of the canopy asap.
Sorry LeBoeuf, I didn't see your question.
The tank is 200 gallon, 7ft long, 2ft deep, and 25 inches tall.
Currently have 100 pounds of base "holey" rock, 100 pounds of fiji and branch rock, bridge rock on the way. 10 assorted damsels to help get the tank going. Live sand at the bottom.
My first attempt at a salt tank. Bought the tank, stand and all lights and pumps etc for $1500 from a friend.
I guess I will find out if I am capable of being a salt tank enthusiast :)


Looks just like the one I was talking about except you put two braces instead of one. Good luck on the awesome new tank. What kind of fish do you plan on stocking with in the future????