Tank bowed...

I plan on a balance of corals and fish. I am at the beginning of the learning curve so I am trying to take it slow. I have a local service that is helping me with the setup and initial stock. Teaching me along the way.
The only fish I have found that I REALLY want are the batfish, but from what I have read and been told, they are hard to keep. I will probably hold off on those for awhile.
If anyone has a list of good beginner corals, I am all ears :)


Anxious to see your finished product. I'm in the same boat, new reefer, now addicted for life.
What kind of bridge rock.......... like this one?
Yep, that is the rock of which I speak :)
Saturday I am putting in some mushrooms and the bridge rock.
Here are updated pics of the new canopy cut to fit over the metal cross braces. Still have to get the intake and exhaust fans in, but other than that it is pretty close to finished.

Overanalyzer: It's funny you should ask :)
Check out thread: Definition of "cycle"...? This explains my confusions on this subject also :)


Active Member
Let me just say, the tank looks great, and sounds like it has a great future in store for it. I have run into a similar problem with my tank, in the my MH melted the center brace, and now need to cut it out and plan on doing the exact same bracing as you did. Can you tell me where you got them and all? Where did you get the coating you used? Also, how did you get the edges "bent" to fit the tank? Thanks a lot for your help.
The metal, felt, and polyurethane all came from home depot.
We measured the width of the tank edges at the end, bent the braces, then slide from the end of the tank to the center. Not much to it really. I thought it would have been a lot tougher :)


Active Member
Demo - Lowes and menards should have it - I used ot live in N.East Iowa and I miss menards!! awesome service and great commercials ;)