Tank Break


Active Member
if your tank broke what kind of damage would be done? how much would you be out? Its a scary thought.
Well if my tank broke i would havae to get new carpet or shampoo and vacum real good, if all my fish died i would be out about $150,It would be a mess.
Any1 else want to share


Active Member
depends on when it broke... if i wasn't home, i'd be out around 1500. assuming it didn't start a fire from water getting in the electrical.


Originally Posted by rbrockm1
Well if my tank broke i would havae to get new carpet or shampoo and vacum real good,
You might be able to do that but if it leaked into the sub floor or something then you would have to replace that too otherwise it might rot then one day you would fall through the floor and th tank would land on your head(worst case senario lol)


I leaved with a friend who had a 55g (long) fresh water tank w/ 1 african Cic.
One day (a Monday night, right as "Monday Night Raw, a wrestling show") the fish got angry, slammed himself repeatedly into the glass (swimming from one end to another and just ramming it).
The tank cracked and began to eject water from several cracks onto a hard wood floor (actually the hard wood floor was a saving grace).
The first thing my roommate did was scream "get the buckets".
We drained water from the tank quickly (to relieve presure, thinking it would explode any minute, it never did actually "explode").
Removed the fish (still tring to save it, thought it died weeks later acclimating into a new tank, it was an old fish though, she had it for more than 5 years).
Used towles to dry the floor, and so one.
It was a memerable experiance.
I now have a 180 in an upstairs Condo. (Don't ask how I got it up there, when I move I will just end up giving it away to anyone who can move it).
If it cracked...., lets just say I would be died.
Damage could be very expensive given the size of the tank.
The bigger the tank the more possable damage.
I risk we all take.................


Active Member
i'm assuming sarcasm on the fish breaking the tank? otherwise i'd love to know what fish it was so i don't ever look at buying one...


Active Member
Very scarry. I called and checked with my insurance to make sure I would be covered. I would be out a ton of money and possible damage to house is unreal. But it is a chance I will take.
other than the fish dying not much damage my tanks are in the basement and there is a sump there so all the water would be pumped into the sewer...I feel for those with tanks in the living rooms ect ect.....


Originally Posted by deep_sea_denni
other than the fish dying not much damage my tanks are in the basement and there is a sump there so all the water would be pumped into the sewer...I feel for those with tanks in the living rooms ect ect.....
Ditto. Mine is in my office, which is in my basement. The only potential casualty would be my computer, but since I replace it every year anyway it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Now if my 24" LCD were to get wrecked...


For the record the fish actully broke the tank.
There are a few that I guess can (glass tanks of course).
A fresh water Aferican Cichlids was the fish in my room mates case.
I think Cat fish have been known to break tanks.
I would still take glass over acrylic any day.


Active Member
That's is exactly why I have acrylic any day over glass. If my whole tank fell off the cabinet somehow, it would not break.
Acrylic aquariums are 17 times stronger and 50% times lighter then glass aquariums, acrylic is clearer than glass and provides 20% superior insulation then glass. Acrylic is molecularly bonded not silicone glued. when I shopped for an acrylic tank every manufacturer provided a lifetime against leakage warranty. No glass manufacturer does that.


Active Member
We added my tanks in with our home owner's insurance

I think it would moslty cover the damage done to the house, however..if the damage was minimal and we could fix it ourselves, I believe that the tank and contents would be replaced.


we just put in travertine so im good to go!!! plus all the corals that i bought would be a very expensive loss. but for that insurance i have tons of friends that would take my stuff and hold them until i could get stuff back in order :happyfish